Chapter 9

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"Hey, babe?" Beca calls out to Chloe from the living room.

Walking from the kitchen, Chloe drops down on the couch next to her girlfriend. "Yeah?"

"Did Jack call you?" Beca asks, referring to their boss.

"Becs, how long has it been since he called one of us after calling the other?" Chloe asks with a smirk.

"Well, he wants to know if we want to do a video." Beca begins slowly.

"Isn't that what he always wants?" Chloe asks with a chuckle.

"Well, this is a different kind of video." Beca says. Chloe's eyebrows furrow, so Beca continues. "He wants us to do a video together, obviously, but he also wants to, uh, have us take a newbie for this one."

"So, like, a threesome?" Chloe asks.

"Yes." Beca says, but quickly continues. "But we obviously don't have to. If you're uncomfortable at all, I'll call him and tell him we don't want to. I'm sure he'll-" Beca's cut off by Chloe giggling.

"Becs, were you shown my application sheet? I never crossed off threesomes. Don't you think he wouldn't have called if I did?" Chloe says with a small smile.

"Well, I didn't know if maybe you would've changed your mind after we became a couple." Beca says.

"Oh, that'll just make it better. We'll be experiencing it together. I've always wanted to share experiences like this with my lover." Chloe says.

"Don't say lover. Chloe, it's the twenty first century. Shouldn't you be saying things like bae?" Beca asks.

Chloe laughs. "Whatever, I couldn't think of another word to say. Anyways, when are we doing the video?" Chloe asks.

"Hold on, I'll text Jack and ask." Beca says, pulling out her phone and sending out a message to their boss. The reply was almost immediate. "He says tomorrow. Wow, short notice much?" Beca asks to herself.

"Alright, well, I'm going to shower." Chloe says, standing up. When Beca doesn't get up after her, she stops. "Are you going to join me?" She asks in a suggestive smirks before standing, following the redhead to the bathroom.

The next day, Chloe and Beca walk hand in hand towards the filming room. When they walk in, they see a blonde talking to the manager.

"Where are they?" They hear the blonde ask.

"I'm sure they'll be here soon. LA traffic is bad at this time of morning." The manager says shakily, slightly terrified of the blonde.

"They better be here soon. I thought you said they were professionals?" The blonde replies angrily.

Beca clears her throat, making their presence known. "Sorry we're late. There was an accident on the way, so we had to take a detour." Beca explains, shifting uncomfortably.

"Whatever, when are we going to get started?" The blonde asks.

Before Beca can answer, Chloe speaks. "Hi! My name's Chloe and this is Beca. What's your name?" She asks, trying to make small talk to calm the blonde down.

"It's Aubrey. Can you answer my question now?" Aubrey asks, slightly calmer but still a little angry. What? The blonde thinks to herself.

"Well, usually Beca and I sit and talk before shooting. Just so we know what exactly we want to do so it's not awkward fumbling in here. So, can we go to the dressing rooms?" Chloe asks.

The blonde nods, so Beca leads the way to the dressing rooms.

About ten minutes later, the three women leave the dressing room, all in different clothing, and make their way to the center of the room. The room is set up to resemble a bedroom, so they know there won't be much acting to do.

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