Chapter 13

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"Hey, Bree, what'd you get for number thirteen?" Chloe asks, a little slurred due to the pen in her mouth.

"5x² is greater than 11x. X equals 7." The blonde answers, not bothering to look up from her own math sheet.

"Thanks!" Chloe says cheerfully, neatly writing it down. Just as she's about to start the next problem, her phone dings with a new text message. She looks over, and sees Beca's name on her screen. Grinning like a schoolgirl, Chloe unlocks her phone and goes into her messages.

xxBecsxx (4:15pm): Hey Chlo, can I ask you for a favor? I'll completely understand if you say no, so don't worry about me getting mad at you.

Chloe furrows her brow, confused as to what Beca might ask her for. The brunette never asks for favors, adamant that she can do everything on her own without anybody's help.

Chlo-Bearxx (4:16pm): Sure, Becs, what's up?

Beca doesn't answer right away, which is odd considering she hates when people take forever to reply. After nearly a minute of not getting an answer, Chloe shrugs and puts her phone back down, assuming Beca's mom asked her to do something.

After Chloe finishes ten more problems, her phone finally digs. She didn't jump on the phone as soon as she hears the ding though, oh no. She's got more class than that. (Except she totally did, nearly falling off her bed in the process and making Aubrey roll her eyes.)

xxBecsxx (4:53 pm): Okay so, like, you know I'm a virgin right? Well, of course you do, I would've told you if I wasn't. But like yeah I'm a virgin, and as far as i know so are you, right? Well, I was wondering if, maybe if you're okay with it... Would you like to lose your virginity with me?

xxBecsxx (4:54pm): You totally don't have to say yes, of course. I'd honestly be surprised if you do. I just, I want to lose my virginity really bad, I just don't have anyone to lose it to, ya know? And I don't want to sneak into some bar or go to some party, and you're honestly probably the only person I could trust with this sort of thing. But don't feel obligated to say yes, really think about your answer first.

Chloe's eyes grow wide as soon as she finishes reading the first message, her face quickly turning the shade of a ripe tomato and feeling a stir in the pit of her stomach. "Oh my god." She says incredulously. Aubrey turns at the tone of her voice.

"What?" She asks, concern quickly showing on her face. Chloe doesn't answer, too busy staring at her phone in shock, a million thoughts running through her head. "Chlo, what's wrong?" Aubrey asks, moving towards the bed when she once again gets no reply.

Looking at Chloe's phone screen, Aubrey's eyes widen in shock when she reads the messages. "Oh my god!" Aubrey says, finally snapping Chloe out of her thoughts. Eyes widening impossibly further, Chloe quickly turns off her phone.

"Aubrey, calm down. You can't tell anybody about what you just read, especially Beca. She will freak and hate me forever." Chloe says hastily, worried about what the blonde might think.

Aubrey calms down a little, before looking at Chloe. "What are you going to say?" She asks.

Chloe pauses for a moment, thinking. "I don't know. I mean, she has a point. I'm getting tired of being a virgin too, but I don't have anyone to sleep with. And you never know what kind of diseases you might get with a complete stranger. But, I don't know, I don't want it to make it awkward between us and lose her as a friend." Chloe says, looking down at her hands.

"Well, she said to think about it before making any hasty decisions, so I'd listen to her. Take this weekend to think and then answer when you see her on Monday.

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