Playing in the pool

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It's the end of the day, and Beca is at her locker. She's just in the middle of putting away her Algebra textbook away, when she hears a familiar voice.

"Bec-AWW!" A male voice calls out from close to her left. "Bec-AWW! Dude guess what!" He yells, banging on her locker door, nearly slamming it shut in the process.

Glaring, she turns to him. "What, Swanson?"

"That new movie about the possessed doll is out today. The one called the boy? It looks really cool. D'you want to go see it with me later?" He asks with his boyish grin.

"Sorry dude, I've already got plans with Chloe today." Beca says, shutting her locker and starting down the hallway. Chloe was Beca's neighbor who refused to leave Beca alone. They quickly became friends and started hanging out with each other.

"Oooh, Beca's going to play with her lady-love? What are you guys doing. Cuddling? Or a movie?" Jessie asks with a playful tone. Beca also happens to have a major "toner", as Jesse's girlfriend and Chloe's best friend Aubrey Posen would say, on her. It's not like she could help it. The girls positive, bubbly personality fits well with Beca's broody, pessimistic attitude. At least, in Beca's eyes it does.

"Hey, we only cuddle and watch movies occasionally. And she's not my lady-love. We're going swimming by the way."

"Oh shit, really? You get to see her basically half naked and you're cool about it? Not freaking out like a teenage boy at all?"

"Dude, I've seen her in a swimsuit before. We have been neighbors for like four months now. It was bound to happen eventually."

"Wait, you've gone swimming with Chloe?"

"No, it just so happens that my room has a view of her backyard."

"Well, aren't you afraid that she might find out about Lil' B?" Crap. Beca hadn't thought of that. "I mean, that's how I found out. It's not that easy to hide when you're swimming Becs." See, Jesse and Beca have been best friends since they were was after Beca had found out that she has a condition where she has both male and female reproductive systems, the male being the dominant one. This results in her having both breasts and a penis. She hates it at times, because she's like any teenage boy and pops boners at random times. She learned to wear constricting boxers to make it so nobody notices but, like Jesse said, it's not easy to hide while swimming.

"Shit! She'll totally notice and think I'm a freak!" Beca says, already worrying about what might happen. "I need to cancel. tell her I'm having family over or something." She says, pulling out her phone to text the redhead.

"Um, Beca?" Jesse says hesitantly.


"You do remember she lives right next to you right? She'll know you're lying."

"Fine, I'll tell her I'm hanging out with you."

"She can see in your room from hers. And she'll know if you don't leave the house." He puts a hand on her shoulder and she looks at him. "It'll be fine, Becs. If she does notice, she won't freak out. She's too nice to do that."

"Yeah. Yeah you're right. I can just explain to her and she'll accept it." Beca says, more to reassure herself than anything else.

"Yeah, and then you'll finally be able to have her ride like you've been wanting to do since she moved in. I mean, come on now. How many times have I walked in on you masterbating to her? Hell, sometimes it was in my own home after you had one of those vivid dreams."

Beca punches him hard on the shoulder. "I told you never to speak of that ever again. And don't say "ride". That just sounds weird and makes me feel like you're talking to a horse. Although I wouldn't mind her riding me....." Beca trails off, eyes going misty as she gets lost in her daydream.

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