Chapter Three

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The concert the next night went by smoothly, a sold-out show as their managers assumed would happen. Chester was growing more and more upset, however, as fans tried talking to him about his past after the show, trying to get him reveal more than he already has. Mike was there to tell the fans to leave Chester alone about it, that he's been dealing with it enough and everyone didn't hesitate to listen to Mike and would fall into silence after he confronted them. 

"Fuck, they just keep coming," Mike sighed after telling off a few more people to leave Chester alone. They finally made it pass all the fans and were backstage, the others talking with management about the fans coming up to Chester, trying to figure out how long it'll be until everyone lets it go and what to do until then.

"Mike, come here," Brad called the emcee over, who looked between Brad and Chester. 

"Do I have to also?" Chester asked him and Brad shook his head.

"No, buddy, you've been going through a lot, we'll figure this out for you," He promised and Chester gave him a small smile, urging Mike to go talk with the other guys and management. 

"Okay, I'm gonna talk to them quick. Wanna get some food after this? Celebrate a sold-out show?" Mike asked, quietly enough so the others wouldn't hear and invite themselves along. He just wanted some alone time with the blond. 

"Sure, sounds great," Chester agreed and Mike couldn't help himself and pulled him in for a brief hug before going up to the guys. Chester decided he needed a smoke and started heading to the doors that went outside, when someone grabbed his shoulder rather harshly. 

He quickly turned and was face-to-face with someone he thought wouldn't dare step foot into one of his shows. His face was masked with horror as he eyed the athletic build of a man from his past. His cold, blue eyes were trapping Chester as his tanned hand continued to grip his shoulder tightly. Chester noticed he still adorned a stubble that he remembered being itchy against his skin. His hair color had changed, however. He went from black hair to brown, which made him appear less horrifying, but he still scared Chester nonetheless. 

Mike wasn't too busy talking with the guys to notice the man gripping Chester's shoulder. He became caught up in the sight of his friend in the hands of some stranger. He could feel Chester's uneasiness from the other side of the room. He witnessed Chester shove the man away and storm outside, but a few minutes later, the man decided to follow. Mike felt goosebumps cover his arms. 

Chester made it outside and pulled out a cigarette, sparking it right away. He felt stupid for just walking away from the man and not telling him off, but he wasn't sure what else he could do. The man made an appearance and grabbed him, it had him feeling unsettled. He sighed as he took another puff off his cigarette, the door he just walked out of opening. He didn't dare see who it was as he heard it close and someone walk up behind him. He couldn't help holding his breath. 

The hand returned back on his shoulder and turned him around, bringing face-to-face with the man he trying to get away from. He was at a loss of words as his cigarette fell to the ground and he shoved into the nearest wall. He watched the man fearfully, who seemed to be enjoying his fright. He held his breath, unsure what the man was going to do.

Mike lied to the guys, saying he needed to go to the bathroom. He wasn't sure if it was any of his business, but he couldn't just let that guy follow Chester. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach as he headed towards the doors he saw the two go through. He stepped out and looked around, trying to find the blond, but he couldn't seem to find him until he heard a soft cry to his right. His head twisted that direction and he felt his heart cramp in his chest when he saw a larger man pressing Chester up against a wall.

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