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Alex' pov

'Mom! I'm going!' I yell, when I take my bag, ready to go to school.

'All right, Honey! Have fun! Don't go into dark alleys!'

I roll my eyes. She always says that when I'm going out. I'm already 17 and she still kind of treats me as a child. But hey, that means she cares for me, right?

I walk outside and take the bus towards school.

'Alexandra Fabray, didn't expect to see you here this early,' I hear a familiar voice say, when I walk the stairs towards school.

I look up. Sam is standing in front of me. Sam Bower, my best friend since I was 14.

'Well, I don't have time to stay at school this afternoon, so I thought I would come early today,' I say.

'How sensible' Sam says with a grin.

I laugh at his sarcastic comment. 'Aren't you proud of me?'

'You're always late, of course I am proud of you.'

'Well thanks,' I say, with a smile.

'Can I get a hug now? I'm tired as fuck,' I whine.

For some reason Sam and I kind of act like a couple. We aren't, we don't love eachother like that, but we still cuddle, 'cause I'm a cuddly person, especially when I'm tired.

'Well, only because you're early today,' Sam says with a smile.

I walk towards him and put my arms around him. My face rests in his neck. I can smell his scent. It's so familiar to me, I love it.

The bell rings. 'Let's go inside,' Sam says, and pulls away. I pout, which makes him laugh.

'I don't wanna go to math,' I whine, and rest my head on his shoulder.

'Come on, Alex, otherwise you're still late for class. I was so proud you'd come early.'

'Alright...' I sigh and start walking towards math class, with Sam behind me.

'I hope you made your homework for today, Miss Fabray,' Mr. Johnson says, when Sam and I walk into the classroom.

'Yeah, I did, for some reason,' I mumble.

'You know it's for your own good, right? Otherwise you'll fail the test.'

'I know, I know.'

'Did you meet an angel or something? It's like you've changed your whole life!' Sam says, laughing.

'Shut up!' I whisper, quasi angry.

We sit in in de back of the classroom and take our books.

During Mr. Johnson's explanation, I almost fall asleep on Sam's shoulder.

'Miss Fabray, what would x be in this situation?' I hear the teacher say, but I don't respond.

'Miss Fabray?'

'Alex!' Sam whispers, and pushes me with his elbow.

I look up. 'Sorry, what?'

'What would x be in this situation?' Mr. Johnson repeats.

'Five,' Sam breathes.

'Uhm...that would be five,' I say.

'You're lucky this time, please pay attention,' Johnson says. I nod slowly. 'Thanks,' I mumble to Sam. He grins.

'You're so lucky to have me,' he jokes. 'I really am, you're my personal teddybear,' I answer. He smiles and gives me a playful push.

After math, I have English. Sam has Music, so we separate.

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