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Large glass-panned automatic doors slid open as Claire Dearing approached them, with the two Page siblings following closely behind her. Rachel Page has been Claire's best friend for four years, since grade ten of high school. Today, Rachel and her younger sister, Alison, were receiving a VIP tour of Claire's new workplace before it officially opened for business.

Claire had been offered an internship at Jurassic World, just a couple months ago. The passion she had for not only animals but dinosaurs as well stood out to the scientists at the theme park, and had rushed to contact her college and get her in for a job interview.

Alison was also mesmerized by the process of recreating dinosaurs, and nearly begged her big sister to ask Claire for a tour of the park. The construction of Jurassic World was complete, now the scientists were just waiting on the growth of the dinosaurs before opening up for the public eye.

Claire had led Rachel and Alison to the lab, which was the room the three girls were in now. There was only a couple others in the large room, who were monitoring off-white coloured dinosaur eggs in intubators.

During Claire's tour of the lab, five year old Alison wandered off on her own. She wanted to examine everything the room had to offer, and not just hear about them. No one seemed to notice the departure of the young girl as she walked through a narrow doorway, that didn't even have a door, into a small room. The air conditioning seemed to be cranked in the room because goosebumps immediately presented themselves on Alison's arms, leaving a chill all throughout her body.

One of Alison's hands held a styrofoam cup filled with water that Claire had given to the girl while they were touring outside, and the other hand rubbed at her arm to try and warm herself up.

At the back of the room, against the wall, was a stainless steel table. Alison walked over to it, noticing it came up to about the bottom of her ribcage. Resting on the table was a stainless steel test tube rack, with transparent test tubes stored inside. In each tube was a translucent liquid of various colours, mainly green, blue, and orange.

Not knowing any better, Alison reached out to gently grab one of the test tubes and get a closer look at the substance inside. She was mesmerized by the small bubbles that seemed to form on their own, and could only wonder what the serum was used for.

"Alison!" The familiar voice of Rachel Page rang through the lab, startling the young girl. She dropped the test tube with a soft clatter, before quickly picking it up. A small amount of the substance had flowed out, it being too thick to rapidly spill out onto the table. However, Alison hadn't noticed the few drops that managed to escape the table, landing into her water and turning it the palest shade of blue.

"Yeah?" Alison called back as she returned the test tube back to it's place, and quickly cleaned the spill up with the bottom of her tshirt.

"What are you doing in here?" Rachel asked, standing in the doorway of the room with Claire behind her.

"N-nothing, I'm just looking at this stuff." Alison replied, turning around quickly.

"That's dinosaur DNA. We used them to create the park's exhibits." Claire explained, catching on that Alison didn't exactly know what she was looking at, she just thought they were interesting.

"Oh, cool!" Alison replied, realizing she had accidentally spilled the science behind Jurassic World.

"Come on, Ali. We've gotta get going. Claire has work to do." Rachel moved out of the doorway so her sister could leave the small room. "Finish your water before we go. I don't want you spilling it in my car."

Alison sighed heavily, knowing Rachel's Jeep Wrangler was her most prized possession. With a few big gulps, Alison managed to down her water and threw the cup out in a garbage can that was near the lab's entrance and exit doors.

Claire showed Rachel the way back to the parking lot, and Alison followed behind her sister as they listened to Claire's instructions and made it back to the grey jeep. Both girls clambered into the vehicle, and Rachel started driving back to the small beach house they were staying in for a few days.

As Alison sat in the backseat of the jeep, looking out the window, she was filled with excitement to return to Jurassic World when it finally opened for business, and had a small headache brewing behind her eyes.


I'm so excited to write this story!! It will somewhat follow the plot of Jurassic World, but obviously I will be creating Alison's own storyline and not just randomly throwing her into the movie's plot. I may also include Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom in this book, depending on if I have any ideas for it after watching the movie. Which I most likely will so let's just say this book revolves around both Jurassic World movies!!! I hope you all enjoy :)

 Which I most likely will so let's just say this book revolves around both Jurassic World movies!!! I hope you all enjoy :)

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