chapter three

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Alison made it back to the Mosasaurus lagoon, but she had been late for her show. One of her co-workers, Derek, had to fill in for her, and was not impressed.

As the show finished, Derek walked over to Alison. "Where were you? You said you weren't gonna be gone long." Derek demanded, annoyed that he had to fill in for Alison.

"I'm so sorry, Derek. I had to go meet some people that were getting off the ferry." Alison explained. "When's my next shift? I promise I'll be here for it."

"You'll have to check. I only remember my own schedule." Derek replied before walking past Alison.

"Well, thanks for covering for me!" Alison called over her shoulder as she watched the older boy walk away. The brunette sighed, her shoulders dropping slightly as her body relaxed. Alison headed into the small building that was for Mosasaurus trainers, and checked the work schedule posted on a cork board.

Alison's next shift with the Mosasaurus was at two o'clock, and there were a couple boys on her mind that would love to see the underwater dinosaur put on a show.

With no show happening right now, the bleachers were pretty much empty. Alison had nothing better to do so she headed up the sturdy metal staircase that led to the large platform beside the lagoon, where the trainers stand while putting on a show. A large crane was extended over the water, where the Mosasaurus' food gets hooked up. Right now the hook was by the staircase, prepared for more food at the next show.

"Hey, girl." Alison mumbled, putting both hands on the railing of the platform and gripping it tightly. "How're you doing down there?"

The Mosasaurus let out a deep roar as it swam around underwater, understanding every word Alison was saying. The creature knew that Alison was one of the people that fed her, and knew that Alison wasn't a threat in any way.

Alison's ability to communicate with dinosaurs still fascinated her. It's not like she can have full on conversations with dinosaurs, but all the ones she's talked to, trust her. It was similar to the man somewhere else in the park who had his trust embedded into four Velociraptors, and was able to train them. However, Alison was able to know the thoughts of dinosaurs. If the Mosasaurus was hungry, Alison fed her. If she was tired, Alison didn't make her work too hard in a public show.

"I'll see you at two, okay? Then I'll give you some food." Alison shut her eyes as the Mosasaurus let out another roar, the water muffling most of the noise. Alison focused on two words that she knew would make sense to the Mosasaurus, eat later. The dinosaur let out what sounded like a disappointed groan, before swimming away. She got the message, and wouldn't bother Alison any longer.

Alison let the platform, making her way back down to the paved ground of Jurassic World. Not knowing what else to do until two o'clock, or at least until her lunch break, Alison went to sit on the wooden bench outside the employee's mini building. She stretched her legs out and crossed her ankles, before pulling her World hat off and resting it on her face. Alison crossed her arms across her chest, getting comfortable enough to just sit there and relax for a while.

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