chapter nine

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     The sound of loud buzzing filled Alison's ears while she sat upside down in the Gyrosphere. At first, she didn't know what the source of the noise was. A swarm of angry bees, maybe. Or the pressure of blood in her head becoming unbearable. It wasn't either of those things as Alison looked up slightly to see Zach's cellphone on the roof of the Gyrosphere, Claire's caller ID written across it.

"You gonna answer that?" Alison asked as she turned to look at Zach who reached his hand out to try and grab the device, his fingertips barely grazing it.

     "Almost got it." Zach mumbled, not being able to grab his phone.

     "Zach?" Gray spoke, fear evident in his voice.

     "I've almost got it!" Zach repeated. Both him and Alison had been paying too much attention to the phone to realize they were being stared down by one overly large yellowish orange eye. An eye that belonged to a curious and hungry dinosaur.

Alison's breath hitched in her throat as she met the gaze of the Indominous Rex, her brown eyes shooting wide open in shock.

"Zach?" Gray repeated, his brother still not noticing the dinosaur.

"Zach, look." Alison grabbed his outstretched arm, her fingers gripping the fabric of his blue sweater in fear.

"Ouch, why are you pinch-oh." Zach had finally noticed the grey and scaly dinosaur in front of him, her eye blinking slowly as she studied the three humans in the Gyrosphere.

The Indominus Rex made a sound almost like a cat's purr as she stood up, and started turning the Gyrosphere around at an agonizing slow speed. Alison felt the blood rush out of her head as the Indominus moved the Gyrosphere so that it's occupants were on their backs, looking up at her. The Indominus stabbed at the glass of the Gyrosphere, one talon easily piercing through that caused Alison to whimper. She was too afraid to even attempt to communicate with the dinosaur, wanting it to stop.

Zach, Alison, and Gray were all sitting up right as the Indominous used her talon to move the Gyrosphere, making them face her.

"Well that...that's a great view." Alison managed to spit out as she came face to face with the Indominous Rex, large teeth and all. Screams filled the air as Alison got an even closer look at the Rex's teeth, the dinosaur biting down on the Gyrosphere and managing to almost wrap her entire jaw around it.

The glass of the Gyrosphere fogged up as the Indominous Rex chomped down on it, shattering bits of the glass with her teeth.

"Stop! I get motion sickness!" Alison yelled as the Indominous lifted the Gyrosphere off the ground, before slamming it back down again.

"You better not throw up on me!" Zach yelled back, while Gray just screamed from all that was happening. Alison braced herself to be lifted into the air again, not noticing that Zach was fumbling with his and her seatbelts at the same time.

"Gray!" Zach yelled, tilting his head down to his brother's seatbelt. The younger boy's face was full of fear but he understood Zach's message, reaching down to try and unbuckle his seatbelt.

The Gyrosphere was slammed down once more by the Indominous, shattering the glass behind the seats. With three clicks that could barely be heard, Zach, Gray, and Alison all fell out of the machine.

"Go, go!!" Zach exclaimed as the Gyrosphere was lifted off of them. The trio tore off through the jungle, breaking out of the trees and into a large grass covered field. The Indominous had noticed their departure and chased after them, having no problem clearing a path through the maze of trees.

A waterfall was nearby that Zach led the way over to. Alison's legs burned as she ran behind him, dragging Gray along with her. They all came to a skidding halt right at the edge of the cliff, a pool of water below.

"We're gonna have to jump!" Zach pointed out, the Indominous closing in on them.

"I can't!" Gray argued. Zach grabbed his hand, Alison still holding the other one.

"You can, Gray! Come on!" Alison tried to encourage him, knowing they only had seconds before they ended up as the Indominous' next meal.

"Are you ready? One, two," before Zach said three, he jumped over the edge of the cliff. The trio fell through the air just as the dinosaur reached them, clamping her jaws shut in hopes that she would be able to catch one.

Cool water met warm skin, almost immediately refreshing Alison as she plunged below the surface, still holding Gray's hand like their lives depended on it. In a way, it did. Zach had grabbed onto Alison's shirt to prevent her from swimming upwards, seeing the Indominous was leaning over the edge waiting for them to resurface.

The dinosaur was gone, so the trio swam to the surface of the pool. All three let out a loud gasp as they were able to breathe again.

"Come on." Zach began swimming to the muddy edge of the pool, Alison's entire body burning with pain and exhaustion. She let out a heavy exhale and collapsed in the mud, finally able to rest.

"You jumped." Zach said to his brother, letting out a soft chuckle. Alison watched with a smile as the two boys hugged, an awkward hug with Zach swinging his arm over Gray's shoulders as the boys laid in the mud.

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