chapter one

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Alison Page was woken up by a loud knock on her bedroom door, followed by the voice of one of her closest friends yelling at her to get out of bed. Alison shifted under her pale blue sheets, before rolling over to look at her alarm clock. There was still five minutes remaining before the awful noise of an alarm clock went off, but Alison decided to get out of bed anyways.

The life that Alison was living made it easy for the now sixteen year old girl to wake up early. She had a job at Jurassic World, thanks to her sister's best friend, Claire, putting in a good word for her. Alison lived with Claire on Isla Nublar, taking part in home-schooling and working full time as a Mosasaurus trainer. Her sister, Rachel, had decided to stay in America as she had started her own family, and couldn't exactly pack her life up and move to Costa Rica. And ever since Rachel had turned eighteen, she's been her younger sister's guardian. This gave Alison the opportunity to do anything she wanted, as long as it was legal and safe of course. And she had some sort of supervision.

     So the 'do whatever you want' list was minimal, but Alison was living her dream life with the help of Claire and Rachel.

     "Come on, Ali. You're gonna be late." Claire called from the kitchen of their two bedroom bungalow. Claire's been living on Isla Nublar for ten years, ever since Jurassic World opened. She started out as an intern but now she's a park operations manager. Alison moved to the island when she finished elementary school, making her fourteen.

     "Late? I'm going to be early!" Alison yelled back as she quickly got dressed into her Jurassic World uniform, including a name tag and black lace up combat boots. Alison pulled her mid-back length hair into a pony tail before grabbing her tan coloured baseball cap—one that had the Jurassic World logo plastered on the front. Alison left her bedroom with her hat in her hand, and set it down on the kitchen counter before going to pour herself a bowl of cereal.

     "Got any big plans today?" Claire asked. She was sitting at the kitchen table, sipping on an iced coffee.

     "Not really, just have a Mosasaurus to feed and talk about." Alison replied. In any normal person's eyes, that'd be a pretty big deal. However, Alison's been doing it every day for a few months now, so she was getting used to it.

     "Wanna do me a favour when you finish your shifts?" Claire took a sip of her coffee with both her eyebrows raised as Alison sat down with her breakfast.

     "What is it?"

     "My nephews are coming to visit, so I want you to go with Zara to meet them. The older one is about your age, I think." Claire explained. Zara's her assistant.

     Alison clicked her tongue. "I don't know, I'd rather talk to dinosaurs than teenage boys." She replied, laughing softly.

     "Well, first of all, dinosaurs don't talk, so that'd be a pretty pointless conversation. Second, I think it'd be nice if the boys knew someone here besides their aunt. You know, someone their own age." Claire retaliated. Oh how wrong she was though.

     One reason why Alison Page was so successful at her job was because she could talk to dinosaurs. All those years ago, when she accidentally spilled dino DNA in the Jurassic World lab, some had leaked into her glass of water. The DNA had affected a small portion of her brain, giving her the ability to mentally communicate with dinosaurs. She didn't roar like a T-rex, or walk like a raptor, but had a small fragment of dinosaur DNA inside of her.

     No one knew it of course, but no one would believe her anyways. Alison didn't even believe it when she first communicated with the Mosasaurus during her first day on the job. It had managed to tell her it was hungry, without the normal dino way of just eating anything it could reach.

     "Fine, I'll introduce myself. When are they coming?" Alison asked, knowing she was getting into something that she most likely didn't have time for. Not only did Alison maintain the Mosasaurus, but she put on information sessions with the creature, and guests of Jurassic World.

     "Uhh," Claire checked the time on her phone. "Their plane is scheduled to land in an hour!"

     "An hour is not enough time for me. Do you know how long it takes to feed a Mosasaurus?" Alison asked the woman sitting across from her as she rushed to finish her cereal, knowing she had to get going to work.

     "You better hope they're a bit delayed then. Or, hurry yourself up." Claire replied. She finished the last of her coffee and put the cup in the sink. Alison finished her own breakfast before heading to the bathroom to finish getting ready to go. The last thing she did was grab her phone and work bag before tugging her baseball hat on her head, and leaving the bungalow to go wait for Claire by her car.


Here's the first official chapter!! To clear up any confusion you may have, Alison spilled a reptile serum, giving her the ability to communicate with all dinosaurs because they all have a reptile component to them!! She'll be communicating with other dinosaurs later in the story :))

Here's the first official chapter!! To clear up any confusion you may have, Alison spilled a reptile serum, giving her the ability to communicate with all dinosaurs because they all have a reptile component to them!! She'll be communicating with o...

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