Settling In

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      Terra groaned quietly as she slowly opened her eyes. She was laying on the ground, still handcuffed, as a brown haired woman and man eyed her skeptically.

     "She probably is," The man told her. He was wearing a red cap and shirt with drab pants. Nothing stood out about him. "Good morning, Terra Bracken. My name is Michael, or Mike if you will. This is Pauline."

     The woman dubbed Pauline scowled at her, her eyes examining Terra, and she immediately felt self conscious. Judging by her clear skin in Pauline's scandalous outfit, the woman was normal.

    So what was she doing in... wherever she was?

    "This is now your home," Pauline interrupted her thoughts, her brown eyes narrowing further at Terra. "You're no longer like us, and you must be contained. This is the  Supernova Prison, where you will fight monsters to survive. Fight and live, or die trying."

    "I've never fought before," Terra's eyes widened in worry. "I-I don't know how-"

    "You better learn quick," Michael shook his head. "Your roommate as well as our wardens will help you get settled. Kaira! Get in here."

   The door to the room opened, and the girl dubbed 'Kaira' stepped in. With her medium length red hair and her menacing red eyes, Terra couldn't stop herself from shuddering. The second thing she noticed about the girl was the katanas she had on her sides. She wore a jacket, a red top, and black pants and combat boots. The thing that stood out most about her was probably the emotionless look she had on her face.

"Hurry up," The words were short on her lips, leaving Terra speechless as Kaira pulled her up from the chain between her handcuffs. "Lets go."

Kaira dragged her out of the room, leading her down the hallway. Terra couldn't stop herself from asking a question, a question that might lead to her demise from the deadly looking girl.

"How do I get out of here?"

The redhead just stared at her, and burst into laughter. It was so out of character from what Terra expected, that she just stared in horror until Kaira finished laughing.

"Get out of here?" Kaira sobered up, although her eyes still shone with laughter. "You can't. No one can. Once you're here, you're here for life. It's because of your birthmark."

"I don't want that," Terra spit in disgust as she looked at her left shoulder. She thought she saw the flower shaped mark spin to spite her, but she brushed it off as such a thing was impossible. "I don't want to have a birthmark-"

"Too bad," Kaira remarked, shaking her head to show how immature she thought Terra was being. "You don't get a choice. None of us did. Deal with it, or die."

"No, there's gotta be a way out of here. I was normal before I got out. My birthmark was never there. It wasn't even here before today. I don't understand-"

"Everyone here was normal before their birthmark showed up, so stop whining," Kaira sighed in annoyance. "You should be grateful. I was the first one here from birth. I've literally been here my whole life, so shut up."

In fear of angering the girl, Terra stayed quiet. The two continued their way down the hall, and eventually they reached a door that Kaira opened by placing her hand against the cell door. It opened, and Kaira shoved Terra into it, closing the door behind her.

Terra's eyes were wide open as she tried to hold in her fear. She didn't know what was going to happen to her, and that scared her more than anything.

"Having trouble there?"

   Terra turned around to see a white haired girl with her hair in a intricate hairstyle. The front of her hair was braided and tied back, while the back was normal. She wore a blue dress, and a silver crown on top of her head. Terra was temporarily awed by her beauty. That is, until she noticed the star on the back of her right hand.

   "Name's Nova," The girl greeted, propping her legs up on her cot. "I take it you're Terra?"

   "Yeah," Terra shakily stood up with the help of Nova. As Nova touched the chain between her cuffs, they shone blue and her eye's turned white. The bindings suddenly opened, and Terra stared in awe. "How did you-"

    "You'll learn to do the same," Nova replied casually, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Terra bit her lip. "Don't worry too much about it. But first, I've got to activate your power."

    "My what-?"

   Faster than Terra could react, Nova swiped the crown off of her own head and dug it's point into Terra's birthmark. She cried out in pain, pushing Nova away, and all of a sudden, vines launched out of her hands, pulling Nova the opposite away. Terra's eyes flashed bright green instead of their normal brown, but that was unknown to the girl. Nova smiled despite being restraint, as she saw the change.

   "No way-!" Terra cried out, as her hands shook. The vines curled around Nova's arms, making her cry out as her circulation was cut off. "How do I make this stop-!"

With a grit of the white haired girl's teeth, Nova's crown tumbled off her head and sliced through the vines, releasing the girl. Nova fell to the ground, gasping for breath.


"No problem," Nova breathed, rubbing her arms to get rid of the feeling. "It happens to everyone. You just gotta get used to it."

Strangely enough, the sound of getting used to it didn't sound as weird as it should've... which was enough to scare the girl, and for her powers to go awry again.

"Hey, cut it out!"

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