The Fear Factor

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"Wake up, sunshine!" Kaira had burst into the room seconds before, waking up Nova as well. This sent the white haired female into a rage, but it was quickly ended with a scowl from Kaira. "You've got an arena fight to watch today. If you thought things were bad yesterday, they're about to get worse!"

"That's so reassuring," Terra rolled over and pulled the covers over her head, as if it would shut out the world around her. "I'm really excited."

"Hurry up," Kaira growled, walking over and throwing the covers off of the brown eyed female. Nova watched in amusement from her own bed as Terra suddenly seemed in the mood to challenge Kaira. "Bracken, I swear.."

"Leave me alone, I don't wanna go," Terra grumbled as she tried to reach for her fallen sheets. "You can't make me. I didn't even want to be here-"

"None of us wanted to. Don't pretend you're a special case," Kaira replied more forcefully, her red eyes narrowing in fury. She yanked Terra up by her arms, and the two stood facing each other. Terra crossed her arms, raising her chin defiantly, but when Kaira drew her katanas, Terra's eyes widened and her chest deflated. The warden's red eyes had gone as black as the night sky. "You want to complain to me again?"

"W-wait, we can talk about this-"

"Just get ready," Kaira snarled, sheathing her katanas again, to Terra's relief. "Don't give anyone as much attitude as you just gave me. We don't tolerate it around here."


   Once the fiery redhead left, Nova burst out laughing, much to Terra's dismay.

  "Acting so high and mighty, are we?" Nova mocked, sitting up in her bed. Apparently the white haired female was easily mentally woken up. "Look where that got you."

"Shut up," Terra grumbled, combing through her red hair with her hands. "I'm not a morning person."

"Is anyone?" Nova quipped, throwing her hair into a ponytail. "I'm telling you right now- Kaira is the wrong person to have a problem with."

"Oh? Why's that?"

Nova rolled her eyes, exasperated at how absent minded Terra had been. When Terra had said she was not a morning person, she had meant it.

"Did you not hear a word I said about Kaira being the strongest of us here?"

"Oh. That."

"My god," Nova shook her head in disappointment, as she stood up. Terra slinked back, as if she was an ashamed puppy. "You're just the smartest of us here."


"Get ready and go out there, before Kaira comes in and yells again!"


   "Welcome back, idiots," Kaira scowled as her audience of five stood in a line behind her. Terra, the child, the boy she fought, a older woman, and a short girl who looked her age. It didn't slip past her that most of the people were in fact, females. "Today, I'll be taking you to the arena. Consider this your day off from training, although what you'll see isn't much better. Any questions?"

"I-is it just you? Are Aura and Dixie coming?" The small child questioned, and squealed as Kaira met her gaze with a sharp glare. "I-I-"

"It is indeed just me," Kaira growled, apparently extremely angered by someone not wanting her company. "Do you have a problem with it?"

She pulled out her blade, it's menacing presence threatening her company. The black gems on it sparkled, and Terra trembled in fear. The poor child was breathing heavily, clearly terrified.

"Cause if you do," Kaira continued, pushing the blunt edge of her weapon against the child's skin. The girl whimpered in fear, closing her eyes tightly. "...I can arrange something."

The blonde haired child couldn't take it anymore, screaming out loudly. Tears rolled down her cheeks, and without another moment, Kaira's blade ran through the girl. Terra gasped as the child looked at the blade, screaming out one final time as Kaira extracted the blade, sheathing her katana. The girl fell to the ground, her eyes closing as tears continued to leak out of her eyes.

"I've always hated children," Kaira muttered softly, unbothered by everyone else's upset cries of terror. "Pests that they are."

   Without hesitation, the girl her age that Terra had taken to calling "Shortie" began to vomit. Terra watched in fear for the girl's life, but Kaira merely laughed.

   "That's not even bad, girlie. Now come on, let's get a move on. That body will take care of itself."

"That's right! Kaira, for fucks sake, can you please refrain from killing people?" Pauline's exasperated voice rang from the intercom. "Honestly..."

"My bad," Kaira's voice fell flat, and she obviously didn't mean what she had said. Terra shuddered. For a moment, she had felt like this place might not be so bad. Obviously, she was mistaken. "Anyway. Come on, let's go."

    They traveled on further, leaving the corpse of the girl there. Through the twisted halls and brown stale walls, they finally made it, causing Kaira to call out.

    "We're here."

    Terra looked up from the floor, her mouth falling open as she saw the huge, coliseum. It was circular, with an audience surrounding above the ground, and the thin tan walls of the arena. Seeing the people filled Terra with hope, and before she could think better on it, a scream escaped her.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2018 ⏰

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