[just enough pt. 2]

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The next four and a half hours consisted of nothing but sleeping for me. My brain was already tired from the short time I was awake, but I could tell that the pill Yoongi gave me had taken effect. Virtually every pain from my body dissipated by the time I woke up.

I decided to take a short trip into the kitchen in search for some water. The dorm was dead quiet—nothing but the blanket being dragged behind me could be heard. I grabbed a cup from one of the many cupboards and filled it up with water before sitting down at the table.

And that's when the text came.

HOPE you're feeling better! We love you!

I almost choked on my water once I saw what came through next: a selfie of Hoseok and Haeun, both smiling and creating a small hand heart together. I couldn't quite make out where they were, but regardless, I was still furious. How could she leave me like this?

I hate you both.

We needed time together, okay? He wanted to take a day trip.

I have a feeling it'll be more than a day trip...

We'll be back at a reasonable time. Besides, you should be happy that you're with Jimin.

'The only problem is that he's not here,' I thought to myself.

Yeah, sure.

We're gonna go eat! See you later!

I finished the rest of my water in one chug out of frustration. It wasn't the fact that she was out with Hoseok that made me angry; it was the fact that she lied to me. However, I wasn't just about to have a tantrum over it. I could see why she covered it up and deep down I knew that the both of them deserved some quality time together.

I took a deep breath and retreated back to my temporary quarters. I hoped that I would be able to leave sometime during the evening, perhaps even after dinner. If Haeun returned early enough I could spend the night at her place instead. I felt too much like a burden to the guys at this point:

After the day that Jimin and I made up, we were able to see each other more often, but his schedule constantly got in the way of any large plans. It was inevitable to say the least, however it wasn't a total loss. Occasional trips to each other's homes were good enough for us. This just happened to be the first 'big' visit since last December. I felt like an intruder once again just being in their dorm.

Just as I was about to lay back down on the sofa, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," I called out.

Jin poked his head through the door and looked at me, smiling ever so brightly. It even made me smile in return.

"Y/N, you look very sick," he said as-a-matter-of-factly. I could only roll my eyes.

"Thanks for stating the obvious."

He chuckled and made his way toward me, holding out a small plate with two small sandwiches on top. "I saved these for you in case you were hungry," he explained. "But if you're not I could save them again for later."

I shook my head quickly and took the plate from him. "No no, this is perfect. I was actually starting to get a little hungry. Thank you for this."

He nodded and sat beside me, making sure that all of my blankets were evenly spread out on the sofa.

"So how are you and Jiminie doing?" he asked, looking over at me.

I took a bite out of one of the sandwiches and shrugged, trying my best to stall my answer. To be completely honest, I wasn't sure how we were doing. We were definitely past the awkward phase and beginning to move into a more relaxed, laidback kind of relationship, but there was still something off. I couldn't deny that our skin ship had also moved to a higher level, but the members didn't know that... Not that I wanted to keep it a secret... maybe.

"We're okay... It doesn't feel like it did seven years ago, you know? I expected it to be like that, but now it's... better in a way."

Jin nodded and let a soft smile rest on his lips. It was comforting in every way and I could tell that he did his best to understand my situation.

"Well, I think things would be a little different now that you two are adults, hm? The both of you are right in taking things slowly. Jiminie said so himself," he declared. "He truly cares about you and doesn't want to lose you again."

I nibbled on the bread, relaying his words in my head.

'He truly cares about you.'

Just as I was about to respond, the door near the kitchen made a loud 'bang' against the wall. It shook Jin and me to complete attention, staring straight at the door in front of us. Muffled yells traveled from one person to the other, though we couldn't make out what they were saying. One of the voices made its way in front of our door: Taehyung's.

He swung it open, sweat beads rolling down his forehead and temples. He looked stressed—almost to the point of breaking... if he hadn't already. His heavy breathing prevented him from forming any words, but his eyes said it all.

"Ji... min... mad... went to... room..." He coughed a few times and made his way back out into the kitchen.

I suddenly found myself clutching to the plate in my hands. Jin didn't hesitate and went after Taehyung, practically running out of the room.

I just sat there in a daze. Should I go after them? Or should I wait? A voice inside me told me to check on Jimin, but another said to leave him alone until he was settled down. There was no telling what could happen.

After forcing myself to go I followed silently, listening to a few bits and pieces of the hushed conversation the two men were having.

"He's not happy... that's all he... yeah, he ran all the way here..."

"Did he... are you serious?... no, she's been sleeping most of the time-"

"Is he okay?" I asked, cutting in abruptly. I didn't have the patience to wait and I honestly didn't have the energy either, but this was beyond me. I had never heard Jimin argue with another one of the boys, but what was I expecting? This must have been an everyday thing.

"He's just frustrated," Taehyung replied with a sigh. "We were practicing the choreo for one of our new songs, but he says that he kept missing two beats. After the fourth or fifth time of trying, he just lost it. He didn't talk. I tried to help, but... well... you know Jimin."

"I'll go talk to him," Jin offered. "If all goes well, then I guess that's that. But if not..." He turned to look at me, a small pleading expression washed over his face.

I rubbed my forehead, already feeling another headache coming on. This wasn't how I envisioned my visit to be like, but I needed to do something. Anything if possible to help out the boys.

"How about I go? There's a better chance that he will listen to me. Just give us some time."

The both of them nodded, Jin reaching out to take the plate of sandwiches in my hands. I looked over at Taehyung. "Has he eaten anything?" I asked.

He shook his head solemnly.

I turned back to Jin and gave a soft reassuring smile. "Don't worry."

"Take it easy. You're still sick," he asserted, retracting his hand. "Don't strain yourself over this."

No promises.

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