22: Saiea

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**This chapter is written in Synn's POV.**

My skin swelters like fire as I absorb the last of the chrysallite's lightning. I drop to my knees, letting out a sharp exhale as my dark red locks fall to the sides of my face, blocking my gaze toward Saiea.

She can't control the magick. Her emotions are all over the place. 

I may not have known her well during her time in my mansion, but I knew her better than to think her standing over a dead forest animal was normal. The smile on her face when I opened the gate and she let the sunshine and outside air press against her beautiful fawn skin made her compassion toward nature very clear.

I don't think she would ever purposely hurt an animal, and that makes it clear just how much the magick is affecting her.

Draconians are taught from birth to steady their emotions. We're berated and trained to control any anger that rises within and our grey skin is made to absorb the impact of that magick. But the woodland races? There's no telling how their kind is raised, but one thing is for certain.

Saiea cannot control her own anger. And it's STRONG. Strong enough to consume her. Strong enough to scorch the forest and destroy herself and everyone around her if she allows it. Her footsteps scuttle away and I stare down at my hand, glowing and scarred from her magick's strength. 

I'd not expected her to take the chrysallite's power as her own. I knew a bit of her troubled past, but not enough to know her yearning for an escape was so great. And I had no idea my family would push her to the edge. But she chose to thirst the crystal, and it's my job now to save her from herself...to remedy my oversight.

I close my eyes, breathing slowly as I keep my emotions controlled. Footsteps approaching from behind tell me my brother is nearing.

"My, your servant doesn't follow orders well, does she?" My brother snickers, circling me and whistling at all the damage she's caused. "Looks like she even slaughtered a poor, innocent animal back there. Give it time and the magick will kill her. That or..."

"Not another word, brother," I hiss, clenching my glowing hand to a fist. "It was your fault to let her go after you abused her like that. You knew she'd go to the crystal. You knew she'd be distraught. You-"

"Oh, hello. I don't know if I've heard you so ruffled about anything. You care for that slave of yours, don't you?" His mouth curls in a wider grin; a grin that begs the anger inside me to spark. "Sorry to say, but I should be the angry one here. That chrysallite belonged to me, as the next in line, and it's gone now."

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