29: Anger, Control

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"Look what we have here. Were you just waiting for us?" A low voice snickers from the depths of the woods behind me. I keep my eyes closed as I sit with my legs crossed in the center of the clearing. Power buzzes through my fingertips, antsy for the owner of the voice - Vylek - to step closer. "That was a stupid decision."

"No, the stupid decision was coming after me." I huff out a breath of air, raising my eyebrows as I open my eyes and turn to face him. "You're running out of magick and you think you can kill me? When I have all this fresh power coursing through me? You seem like the dumb one here."

"Oh, did the sniveling runt get cocky just from getting hold of a tiny bit of magick?" His lip twists in a sneer and he steps closer, keeping his eyes on my curled fingertips. "Sorry to break it to you, but even in my weakened state you're no match for me."

"You don't know that." I squeeze my hand in a fist and a rush of lightning bursts through the clearing, illuminating Vylek as he steps back, watching the flickering energy. "See? You're scared, aren't you? Look who's sniveling now."

He growls and raises his fingertips. A burst of magick jolts toward me. Lunging out of the way, I send back a wave of my own magick. He steps out of the blast and chuckles.

"Looks like you're the same weak wench you were before." He smirks. "Is that all you know how to do? Send out little lightning blasts when you're angry? Sorry to break it to you, but there's much more to magick than that." 

He flicks his wrist and twists it counterclockwise. My feet slip out from under me. I hit the ground and hurriedly push myself back up, letting a growl burst from my throat as my cells simmer with adrenaline. "I can do more than that."

I throw as much magick as I can muster at him. I throw every ounce of hate I have in his direction until nothing but blistering rage fills me completely. I press the power - the anger - out from the depths of my soul and Cyan light engulfs the clearing. It burns my skin, but I don't mind the pain. I want Vylek dead.

Excitement races through my body, raising goosebumps across my singed flesh as the light vanishes from my fingertips and the light around the clearing fades. I expect Vylek to lay flat on the ground, lifeless, but he rises from his knees and brushes off his clothes. His body wavers as he stands back up and a smile tugs the corners of my lips.

He's growing weaker. 

"You're pathetic." Vylek scoffs, raising his eyebrows at me. "You can't even control your own magick. What's going to happen to you when it starts using your vessel as its own? Oh, I'd love to see how you fare when the magick fully controls you."

Frustration clenches my heart. I grind my teeth as I stare back at Vylek. I hate him. I'm going to kill him. Vylek crosses his arms and grins, seemingly amused at my anger.

"Stop toying with her and kill her already." I hear another familiar voice call out from the trees. Synn's father is here too? Good. The more the merrier. I look around, expecting Hyrda to show up, too. She doesn't disappoint.

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