Chapter 2

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After devouring what was left of their meal, the gang headed to the robot. The sixteen year old drove since it was quicker. Once he made it, the pilot used his powers to get them all inside. The elevator brought the group to the control center. Stepping out, they all immediately went to work. Harris and Mark had set up the computer. The GPS was currently being programmed to track ooze. Since Tregear was formed by the sticky yet dangerous substance, it was able to receive his signal.

"Good thing this was upgraded," Ryan said to his cousin, "we should be able to find your dad in no time."

"Yeah and even if we don't, we can just use your orby things to find him," Spyder added, "ooo! Can you give me one so I can find my retainer?"

His two best friends gave him a weird look.

"What? My mom likes memories and she-"

"Don't wanna know bub." Mark quickly cut him off.

Spyder closed his mouth. Mackenzie only nodded to what her family member had said. Her face was anything but happy, which alerted her other female companion and cousin.

"What's wrong?" V asked.

Kenzie shrugged and shook her head.

"My dad," a sigh escaped her lips, "nevermind."

"No, what is it?" Ryan urged in concern.

Mack looked at him for a second before her eyes met the floor.

"My dad is the only person who's been there for me," she started, "I know my mom loves me and wishes she could do more, but it's not like she has an easy job. She's...never home. I try to video chat her and not even that lasts for long."

She walked to the nearby chair and sat down.

"Daddy always makes sure that I was ok or that I had everything I needed. He cares about the little things, even when they're not important like if I studied for a test or if I tied my shoe or not so I wouldn't trip and fall," Kenzie went on, "that happened before and I ended up with a rock in my butt cheek, don't you dare start laughing."

The daredevil of the bunch didn't listen as he chuckled away. Ryan slapped his arm while failing to contain his own laughter. Veracity only grinned.

"Anyway," the female technopath spoke a little loud to get everyone's focus back, "he's so quick to help me. Every time something bad happens, he's the first one to have my back..."

The young blonde held back tears. She never showed weakness or vulnerability. Her eyes would only water. That's what was happening right now.

"He's always protected me. When I got my powers, he kept protecting me. Protecting me from anybody that could harm us all," Mack continued, "he knew I wasn't old enough to start saving lives nevermind the whole universe, so he stayed by me until I was. Funny thing is, he still says I'm still not old enough."

She let a soft chuckle leave her body before rolling her eyes.

"This is when I'm supposed to protect him," Kenzie spoke with anger dripping from her words, "he would be perfectly fine if I had stepped up. If I hadn't screwed up!"

She stood up and flipped the chair over. The sound of it colliding with the floor made everyone jump. The former jock and turned around and had his eyes widen a little. Mackenzie's back was to the team as her hands rested on the table. The Mech X crew glanced at one another.

" didn't know-"

"I SHOULD'VE KNOWN!" Mack hollered.

Her fellow technopath backed up as Veracity headed towards her.

"Anything could be happening to him right now," Kenzie stated as she was getting comforted by V, "he's lucky of he's not brainwashed or hurt."

The oldest of the group didn't say anything. Simply because he had nothing to say. It was starting to become clear to him that she did care deeply for her family. The way her voice nearly cracked when telling them all about her father tugged at his heart. Still, he had his guard up. And though he assured his little brother he was ok with her, a part of him wasn't going to fully keep that promise.

"We'll get him back," Harris reassured her, "one way or another."

Mackenzie didn't reply. A sudden beep from the computer drew in everyone's attention. A red dot was glowing on the middle left.

"Why does every bad guy choose an old factory?" Spyder asked.

"It's not a factory," Mark finally spoke as he zoomed in, "it's a facility."

Ryan walked closer to the computer.

"It's far, but it's in the city. The military used it when Seth was controlling his own monster," Harris retorted, "it's not used anymore and it looks like no one's allowed to trespass."

"Yeah like anyone listens anymore." Ryan noted.

Spyder nodded in agreement.

"Well now that we found him, we can get him back." Veracity said.

"Hell yeah," Mack followed up after, "let's go stab that beast."

He loss track of time. It wasn't like he could check anyway. Fighting back against two, twelve packed henchmen was no cake walk. His hands were sore from punching so hard and he was pretty sure four of his fingers were broken. The bruises he had were unbearable to look at. Scratches were clawed on the side of his face, as if an angry tiger unleashed it's claws. There was a chance a few ribs were broken, yet he ignored it. He ignored it all. How he managed to stay on his feet and or awake for that matter was something he couldn't say. Eventually, the kidnapper showed his face again and ordered his workers to stop. They did as they were instructed. Tregear slowly started to laugh.

"You are something Liam," he began, "a doctor who's never been trained by a professional can put up a good fight. Truly admirable."

Liam didn't answer since he was breathing so hard.

"Now your daughter, who has an extraordinary gift but probably doesn't know half of what she can do, will risk her pretty little neck to save you," Tregear continued, "only to find your blood seeping through the vents."

He walked around the doctor.

"So tell me Liam," Tregear went on to question, "how is it like to know you're totally-"

A brick like jab aimed for the oozed freak's face. Next came a kick planted in between the legs. Both attacks were successful. Instead of striking back, the psycho only smiled evilly.

"Eh heh heh," Tregear chuckled, "like I said, you're really something."

Snapping his fingers, nine other henchmen appeared as he left. Staging a sneak away was no use and the injuries sustained made it harder. Three guys used a table to strap him down. Razor sharp tools were all around him. The man finally found his voice.

"What?! You're gonna cut me open now?!" Liam assumed.

Tregear's face was on the monitor in front of him.

"Cut you? Oh please," he replied, "you talk as if I'm some cruel, scandalous maniac."

The doctor raised an eyebrow.

"No no this," Tregear corrected, "this is when you beg for your life."

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