Chapter Five: Killing The Cat

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Looking around me I see no familiar buildings. In fact, I don't see any buildings at all. My chest aches from running for so long with no rest but oddly enough I don't mind the aching in my muscles anymore. My eyes slowly adjust to the darkness of the forest as I walk forward into the woods.
A low growl erupted from the dark trees, a warning. Enter here and you won't come back. I look around, searching for something, anything, that will help me protect myself. A short, pointed stick is the only weapon around besides my flashlight. If I'm going to find this mystery wolf then I'll have to go now. I take a deep breath and tip toe my way into the darkness, searching for answers.

As I wander deeper into the forest I begin to wonder if I should be leaving a trail of something other than bread crumbs.
"Breadcrumbs are hard to see in the freaking dark." I grumble to myself.
An animal quickly passes through my flashlight's gaze up ahead and I try to muffle a startled gasp. Perhaps I shouldn't be making noises while tracking down a wolf twice my size. Surprise, my friend Sticky and my flashlight are all I really have against this animal. I still don't understand why there is a wolf downtown anyway, I didn't think my area had wolves at all. I lifted a branch out of my way as I continued to blindly wander the woods, every once in a while stopping to listen for movement. After what felt like an eternity of silence, and a good twenty minute walk through the woods, I gave up my hunt.

"I guess it wandered off." I muttered to myself as I turned around.

"Now if I just go in a straight line backwards I should find civilization again, right?" I queried myself out loud as I began to trace my path back. A stick snapped beside me and as I looked over, expecting a squirrel or raccoon, a wolf's hot breath poured onto my face in the form of a grey fog from the cold. It growled loudly and stomped it paw at me as I began to back away from the creature. Before a scream could escape my throat another wolf, the one I had chased earlier, began growling to my right from the direction I had originally been following it.

This is it.

This is where I die.

These wolves have trapped me to kill me; they must be in a pack together. I thought chasing one wolf would be fine, I could just run away, but now I fear I won't be running any where.

Curiosity really did kill the cat.

********Mystery POV*******

I began my rounds guarding the boarder of our territory just as the sun began to set. We've been having a rogue problem lately and Alpha specifically chose me to lead the defense team tonight. Most often the night watch is boring: we catch rabbits and try not to fall asleep waiting for sunrise. Though lately we have been catching eager rogues looking to either infiltrate our pack to destroy us or join it in hopes to find their mates or some kind of family. We don't accept any new members into our pack, Alpha's orders. Everyone within the pack has their own guess as to why this is but as the Alpha's right hand man I know why we don't accept filthy rogues.

An unfamiliar scent catches my attention and draws me from my thoughts. A human. I quickly arouse the others and order them to stay at their posts but to prepare for a fight. Most humans can be scared off by my mere size as a wolf, so I figure this should not take much of my time. I begin trotting off to follow the scent and I hop over a few fallen trees as I focus on the strange smell that lingered in the air. It's quite odd that a human has come this far into the woods at this time of night; I started my shift a few hours ago and it must be at least one in the morning. As the scent got heavier I began to notice the small footprints and broken twigs that lined the path the human took through the outskirts of our territory. The human was walking into our territory no less than a few minutes ago.

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