Tell It to the WORLD

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     My stomach rumbled as Harry, and I pulled away from one another.

     He laced his fingers with mine. "Let's go get some breakfast."

     My stomach agreed with a growl, and I smiled. "Sounds good to me."



     Harry squeezed my hand. "I'm not letting that go when we get inside."

     "I was going to say the same thing."

     He smiled and then stopped walking as soon as we walked into the castle's front door.

     "Harry?" Dean Thomas stood next to Seamus Finnigan. The two of them glanced at our hands and us.

     "Hi, guys."

     "So, you're going to do it then?" Finnigan asked.

     Harry nodded. "Yeah, it's past time for people to know that Draco is mine."

     I wanted to dance like a lunatic at his words, but figured it was overkill, so I smiled instead.

     "Well, good for you. And don't fuck this up, Malfoy."

     "I won't."

     Thomas laced his fingers with the little Irishman's. "I think we should come out too."

     "You mean it this time?"

     The dark-eyed boy looked at us. "If these two can do it, so can we."

     "Yes, finally." Finnigan surprised the shit out of me and kissed the other Gryffindor.

     We walked into the Great Hall, and it went silent—even the Professors quietly took in the view.

     Spotting Granger and Weasley at the Gryffindor table, I warmed at the kind light shining in their eyes. The three Gryffindor's' names were being whispered along with mine as we made our way to them.

     I glanced at the Slytherin table. Zabini looked relieved to see me and gave me a nod of approval. Goyle's arm was wrapped around Bulstrode. The two smiled and snuggled close to one another like they were watching the happy ending to a romance movie.

     All was well until I spotted Nott. He was glaring at me and shaking his head. Severus' caution about my friends rang in my mind. I did my best to ignore the uncomfortable feeling as Harry, and I stopped walking at the Gryffindor table.

     Thomas and Finnigan sat. The larger boy wrapped his arm around the other's shoulder. Within seconds, those close by leaned forward and offered congratulations on their relationship and began drilling them for things to gossip about later.

     "Good morning Granger." I nodded at her from across the table where Harry and I stood.

     "Hello, Mal...Draco," Granger said. A small smile pulled at her pretty face.


    The redhead waved.

     "I better go sit with the snakes."

     I was getting ready to give Harry a quick kiss when Weasley asked, "Do you want to eat with us?"

     Granger smiled. "Yes, you should join us."

     I tingled with excitement. I'd dreamt of the day when I could sit and talk to them. With a smile, I said, "That would be great."

     Harry's smile was at least as big as mine as he sat and pulled me with him. People gasped and whispered from nearby. My smile broadened. I proceeded to fix Harry's plate for him then made up mine. As I refilled his coffee, I noticed everyone but Harry looking at me like I was crazy.

     "What?" I looked Granger in the eye. "Did I put something on that he doesn't like?" I pointed to his plate.

     "No. It's exactly what Harry would choose, but he can do it himself." She had a strange smile on her face.

     Weasley was turning a strange shade of green and frowned.

     "I take care of my things."

     Harry smiled sheepishly. I ran my hand along his leg until he grabbed it and laced our fingers together.

      Granger laughed. "Yes, but you didn't have to cut his food up for him too, did you?"

     Shrugging, I said, "No, but he's so cute that I'll do it for him."

     Granger shook her head. "You are going to make him rotten if you spoil him too much."

     Weasley put his plate next to Granger's. "You want to cut my hotcakes up for me, Mione?"

     "No, Ronald. I don't!" The plate made a screeching noise as she pushed it away.

     I leaned close to Harry. "However, I should explain to you how important fruits and vegetables are. Not only are they healthy and good for you, but they taste delicious."

     He frowned. "Not likely."

     "You could add apples and cinnamon instead of having them drowned in that incredibly disgusting high-fructose-corn-waste you call syrup."

     "You could explain that to Ronald as well? These two seem to think sugar is a food group," Granger said.


     "Hey, sugar is essential in making things taste good. Based on that, it should be a food group," Weasley said.

     "I'm with Ron on this," Harry nodded at his friend.

     "Bros before Ho..." Weasley trailed off as Granger glared at him.

     Shrugging, I said to Harry, "I thought of fixing you a decent plate, but I figured I would slowly break you into healthy food choices." I savored my bite of whole-wheat toast covered with tomato slices and a light cream cheese pepper spread—delicious.

     "I don't mind eating healthy, so long as it keeps you from lecturing me." Harry squeezed my hand.

     "I won't push my luck right now. I will during winter break, though." I took another bite of breakfast.

     "You cook? I figured you'd have a house-elf do it for you."

     I nodded. "Usually, Mimi cooked for us. But of course, I can do it myself. Cooking is like making potions, and I'm brilliant at that."

     "Gee Malfoy, you don't think too highly of yourself, do you?" Weasley rolled his eyes.

     Harry chuckled.

     "Actually, Ronald, he has top marks in potions class." Granger loaded food onto her fork. "Except, mine."

     I waved my spoon at her. "I don't think that I was wrong on the last answer on the quiz. I've prepared that potion dozens of times, and I know how to do it in my sleep."

     She lifted her chin. "Well, Slughorn seems to think differently, and so do I."

     "Rubbish..." We debated all the way through breakfast and all the way to class.

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