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Caption: I miss you I hope you know that

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Caption: I miss you I hope you know that... 💔

Liked by: Maddieziegler, Lexijayde, Brycexavier, and 7,589,744 others.


Brycexavier: Talk to me daughter!

Laurenorlando88: I'm sorry for everything he did...

Darianorlando: We all feel bad...

Thekenzstan: Aww poor Kenz... I've never though something would happen with Jenzie!!

Haydensummerall: He won't talk to us.. but good luck sis!

Carsonlueders: Yeah we're all here for you!

Maddieziegler: We love you sista!! ❤❤

Lilia: Stay strong love!! ❤

Melissagisoni: We love you sweetheart!!

Merorlando: We love you Kenz!!

Groupchat without John:

Lolo: He's depressed!

Kenz: And I'm not?

Cars: Kenz you both love each other very much... He didn't tell us why Sophia was there maybe he told you and tell us exactly what he wrote.

Kenz: He said he needed to clear his mind so he went and she was saying how she likes him but he kept saying he doesn't like her and loves me and she was like okay at least let me take a picture then I'll leave you alone and that's what happened. It's just hard he's my third boyfriend but he's the one I love the most the one I depended on I told him everything I was scared to tell Brandon and Holden. I don't know if I should talk to him or not...

Hay-Hay: Look Kenz we understand your position but you should talk to him.. he hasn't left his room

Kenz: Give me time please..

Lolo: Okay we love you talk to us if you need us!! ❤

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