SNAPCHAT @curiousgeorgie
1:28 pm !
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"would you be surprised if i told you this was my third slice of cake today?"
TOM is typing...
TOM | no, im not😂
GEORGIE | you know me so well...
TOM | so where are you? i know it doesn't snow in california
GEORGIE is typing...
GEORGIE | i had a family emergency in new york... i had to fly out late last night. i would have told you but it slipped my mind. i'm sorry
TOM | is everything okay?
GEORGIE | no not really
GEORGIEis typing....
GEORGIE | my brother went missing a few days ago. he wasn't answering any calls or texts for about three days. the police found him yesterday night.
GEORGIE | he tried to kill himself.
TOM is typing...
TOM | oh my god
TOM | i am so sorry, georgia. is he okay?
TOM | are you okay?
GEORGIE | he's in the hospital now. we haven't been able to see him yet. the police told us he tried shooting himself. his roommate came into his apartment barely in time. he has a bullet injury in his shoulder. my parents are really worried. my mom hasn't been eating and she's been sleeping at the hospital. my dad is at home, i think he's okay, but i never really know with him. i'm at the hospital with my mom trying to get her to go home and get some rest. she refuses to leave
TOM | i am so sorry, love. i wish i could help. tell your parents i send my best. is there anything i can do? read 2:37 pm
10:15 pm GEORGIE is typing...
GEORGIE | im sorry, i had to force my mama to go get some food and then get some rest. she's at home with my dad now, hopefully sleeping. i'm at the hospital still waiting for news and updates on carson. i'll keep you updated.
TOM | don't stress, darling. this must be hard for you and your family. i'm buying a flight right now to come and be with you.
GEORGIE is typing...
GEORGIE | no, you don't have to do that. we're fine, honestly.
TOM | i already bought tickets. maisy and i are heading to the airport right now
GEORGIE | tom, stop. you don't have to do this.
TOM | see you in a few hours. get some rest, georgie.
GEORGIE | tom!! read 10:25 pm
AUTHOR'S NOTE; i haven't really introduced georgia's brother yet, but his name is elliott. his face claim is calum hood.
if you are struggling and needing help, please, please visit suicidepreventionlifeline.com or call +1-800-273-8255, or reach out to a trusted adult. seeking help nothing to be ashamed of or afraid of. things will get better if you get help. if you need to talk, i'm always here, and my private messages are always open.