Words Fail

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Cass watched as her best friend and little brother ran after each other on the rooftops. Their movements guarded but joyful. She wants to join them but she can nott. She has to be alert. She can not join them in... rooftop tag? That is what they called it. Yes, rooftop tag. She would like to join them. But someone had to stay guard.


Words fail, words fail

There's nothing I can say

Except sometimes, you see everything you wanted

And sometimes, you see everything you wish you had

And it's right there, right there, right there

In front of you

And you want to believe it's true

So you... make it true

And you think maybe everybody wants it

And needs it... a little bit... too


Maybe she was being.. Par-an-iod. That was the word Tim called Bruce right? She believed it was. But in this Buis... Busi.... Work she had to be. She looked around the rooftops surrounding them. There was man nearby. His movements were strange. Dangerous. She knew what was about to happen. She ran up to Tim and pushed him aside-

"Black Bat what are yo-"

Hissssssssss Thump.


This was just a sad invention

It wasn't real, I know

But we were happy

I guess I couldn't let that go

I guess I couldn't give that up

I guess I wanted to believe

'Cause if I just believe

Then I don't have to see what's really there


Toxin. She recognizes that sting. She knows that... burn. It's okay. She will be nu- numb. She will be numb soon- Wait. That is not numb. Her body felt strange. Heavy. She felt blurry. This is a new one. Not good. Blurry figures leaned over her. Little Brother and Good Friend her brain supplied. They should not see her when she goes cold again. She doesn't want to wake up to green again. Green was bad. She didn't feel right when she saw green.


No, I'd rather pretend I'm something better than

These broken parts

Pretend I'm something other than

This mess that I am

'Cause then I don't have to look at it

And no one gets to look at it

No, no one can really see


Little brother was saying something. "-ould you do that?" Cass smiled at him. Silly brother did not know she would do anything for them. They had helped her. They had fed her, been kind to her. Taught her words. They made her feel like she was... more than fighting. More than her fists and legs. Like she was human. Like she was... loved. With the last of her strength she raised her hands to sign. "Love" And then it was cold.

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