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                                         -They work up a good rhythm together

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They work up a good rhythm together. Namjoon does his best not to nag as much, and Jungkook doesn't drink when he's out with his friends. He even comes home early, and watches as Namjoon scrambles around the kitchen, learning a new recipe. Their small apartment becomes lively; always bustling between the two of them. Over time, they've learned to work alongside each other, instead of separately. Their relationship almost feels brand new.

The spare bedroom in their apartment, eventually has to get cleared out. Especially considering Jeongguk returns home with something new for the baby each day. Since they aren't aware of the gender yet, it's usually stuffed animals, but he's started to buy bibs as well.

Namjoon's tummy grows with time, too. Often, Jeongguk finds him in front of the mirror, with a hand over the small bump as he whispers soft words of encouragement. He wants their child to grow strong and take their time, but his fiancé is ever impatient. Some days, Namjoon will wake up soft kisses and light conversation on his stomach.

"-well, I'm not saying that you have to grow quickly, but I'm getting impatient already." He hears in the soft glow of the morning hours.

"Baby," Namjoon groans softly, threading his hands through the younger males hair. "We don't want to rush them. What if it ends up being bad for them?"

The way the younger man's eyes grow wide is comical; as if he'd never taken that into consideration before.

"Okay, wait little guy. Daddy's sorry, you don't have to rush. You can take your time."

Snorting softly, Namjoon is still half asleep when he props himself up onto his elbows to peek down at Jeongguk. The other looks like he hasn't gotten a second of sleep, and his hair is tousled and messy at the top of his head. There's still a dried trail of drool on the side of the younger man's cheek, and for some insane reason, Namjoon doesn't think he's ever seen anything as amazing as his fiancée.

Glancing at the time, Namjoon shook his head softly. "Baby, it's 3 AM. Are you sure that you aren't waking them up?" He asked softly.

It was almost comical, how quickly Jeongguk's head snapped to look over at the time, before his mouth fell into the shape of an 'o'. Climbing back up the bed, he gave Namjoon a sheepish smile.

"I don't even know why I'm awake. I thought it was later in the morning."

The older male only smiled softly and opened his arms for Jeongguk to slot back against him, molding as if his hold was were where the younger male belonged. The soft blues of the morning that was still shielded in night, flowed gently against their skin; through sheer curtains that were hardly parted. At this early in the morning, even the sound of chirping birds was vacant. Everything was asleep, except for the two of them.

Though it didn't take long for Jeongguk to drift off, with Namjoon's hand carding gently through his hair. After the younger males breathing shallowed, he carefully wiggled his way out of the others arms; slipping a pillow between them, when Jeongguk's hands began to blindly search the bed. He could almost cry at how cute the scene was.

But now that Jeongguk was asleep, he needed to get the chores done. They were only an hour and a half off from when his fiancée would have to be awake, anyway. Quietly, he padded across the apartment to pick up Jeongguk's strewn clothes, and fix their shoes at the door. He made quick work of the laundry, making sure that all of the dirty clothes were in a load.


By the time that Jeongguk was awake, there was a shower running and warming up for him; and Namjoon was hunched over one of his many cookbooks, searching for something to send Jeongguk off with. On the counter of their shared bathroom, his clothes had been delicately folded and ready to be worn, alongside his towel. The younger male smiled and peeked his head out of the door.

"Namjoon?" He called out softly, smiling when a familiar head of blonde hair popped up.


"Thank you, baby."


Breakfast was pleasant, and Jeongguk almost didn't want to leave. But when he looked over and saw Namjoon's glowing face, and thought of the way his tummy was starting to get softer as their child grew; he'd never felt so motivated to work, go to school and just succeed. So he stood up, and with his spare time, ushered Namjoon into his arms for extra kisses and a long lasting hug.

"Thank you for breakfast, my angel."

Namjoon flushed a pretty pink at his selected words, kissing shyly at the underside of his jaw. "It's no problem at all."

At times like these, he questioned why he'd ever been so adamant on partying, despite Namjoon's feelings. He thought of all those unfamiliar faces, in clubs along the city, and not one could he recall; that made his heart beat, and adrenaline rush, quite like this. He remembered the anguish the first time that Namjoon had asked him — clear as day — 'are you seeing someone else?'

The answer had always been 'no.' A truth to the end of time. Because no matter how long he lingered around the scene, or how much he drank, he had no interest in seeing anybody else. Namjoon was soft, and sweet. His husband-to-be was kind, smart and fretted over him like no other. No person in a random club in the middle of Seoul, could quite hold his heart, the way Namjoon balanced it alongside his own.

"What're you thinking about, love?" Namjoon whispered softly against the base of his throat, from where he'd tucked himself in an attempt to feel smaller.

"Just you."


At lunch that day, when Jeongguk opened the familiar Ryan themed bento box; all of his friends gathered around to tease about the neat handwriting on his napkin.

"Have a good day, ggukie! The little dumpling and I love you!"


I've had half of this waiting in my drafts for the past one thousand years or so — so here's to a new chapter!

I've been really behind with everything, like penpaling and rping~ so I apologize if it seems like I'm behind in updates. I've been having much difficulty lately, with being motivated + productive. I'll do better!

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