Chapter Nine ~Portland

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            My eyes flickered around the table to see the expressions of those that I had ordered to meet me here.

            We were at a simple fast food restaurant, it felt as though I had been here before, though I knew that it was not possible; the sign had said it was only to be found in Washington and northern Oregon. I had been taken from another country entirely. But perhaps it was possible, that the lost half of me that was filled with the darkness I had encountered had been here… No I thought as I shook my head roughly, I had to keep those memories out, not even my past human self was a person I could trust, no human was!

            And with that I began to start the meeting “As all of you know,” I said with an icy clam tone, making sure that the four of them were listening. “I have made Foxeen my second in command and Tuft my third. I felt as though I should explain why.”

            I noticed a slight look of shock enter Neon’s eyes as I said this, but even I knew that if I did not explain to these two, the ones who had most clearly shown their distain at the naming of others in command, why I had chosen Foxeen and Tuft as my co-leaders, that it was far more likely for outbursts of rebellion among the others.

            “Foxeen,” I said as I faced the vixen, “you have been chosen because of your quick actions as well as your thought towards what may happen later on. Also, you have the ability of hosting two bodies at once, it proved useful in our last fight.”

            I paused looking at the expressions of the other three fursonas, Neon was nodding slightly showing that he understood as well as Tuft, but Storm simply sat and watched me, waiting for my last move. He worried me, as from his actions so far it seemed clear that he wanted my position. This realization clawed me from the insides, I was surely stronger than him, she had shown the weakness of love the moment he had set eyes on Foxeen, and perhaps she had not seen it. But it was clear that even with that weakness he was planning something, I could not force him out of our group though as there was the chance of him revealing us to the world, he had not the experience that I held as I had lived outside the lab for over ten years, in my memories at least, who knew how old my true age was; no full fursona knew that, we merely counted by the years that we had been in the lab, or years since we had been changed.

            And yet I remembered my other reason for only bringing these two males to this meeting, yes, they both had proven that they had their strengths, even with their weakness’s being so apparent, Neon’s being his mostly human mind, which I suppose could be used in some cases (such as the escape) as an advantage,; no, I was not as narcissistic to oppose that.

           “Tuft,” I said turning to her after I finished re-thinking my plans, “you have been chosen due to your calm mind. You have shown that you listen well to those around you as well as your surroundings, and you show that you will be kind to any others, even if it is apparent that you may dislike them.” She blushed slightly, and shrugged. She had clearly not expected me to say such things, as even I knew that I was not one of the people she liked, she had a sense of innocence about her, never cussed, preferred to keep her manors simple and watched from the sidelines; only speaking up when she knew there was a need to. She never came near me when she could avoid it, as my gruesome choice of outer words had cause her to gain a quick disliking of me; she seemed slightly ok when around Foxeen though, Foxeen and her had known each other long enough while they had been en-caged in the lab. Foxeen never cussed loudly while Tuft was around and Tuft appeared to be more out right when with her friend. 

            Suddenly our number was called. Nodding at Neon I singled for him to get our tray. He stood, nodded, though it was clearly forced, and received our tray, returning with it a few moments later.

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