Chapter Nine

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[ QUICK LITTLE NOTE- I changed the book's name to 'Make A Wish, Master~" because I got a complaint that it was very hard to find due to many books being named 'Make A Wish' as well. I completely agree, and decided to change it to well, THAT ^, because not only does it add more spice to the title, it also makes it easier to find just in case you didn't save it to your library or reading lists and lost it ]

And P.S, this is where it starts to get good ;) Like it's that part of the roller coaster where you're just about at the top, and it's about to go down and enjoy the ride XD

"Just a friend huh?" Kylie asked with her hands on her hip, smiling at me slyly. "Last time I checked, 'friends' don't grope each other in public."

I was busy holding two trays of coffee cups, bringing them to tables 8 and 12, Kylie of course escorting me while interrogating me at the same time, not even bothering to help me carry even one tray.

"Ugh, Kylie I'm busy! And we weren't groping! I told you, it was just... A simple hug..." I avoided her prying gaze, and she just sarcastically nodded her head. "Mmhm. Sure."

"I'm serious! He walked me to work because my car broke down, and..." I paused, trying to find a good excuse for him hugging me out of the blue like that. "He's leaving today. I mean out of the state. He only came here to visit his other friend, and we just happened to bump into each other while I was walking to work, and he happened to have free time so he walked me halfway until we got here. He told me he was leaving back to Florida, it's where he lives by the way, so it would be the last time I would see him for a long while, so we shared a simple little hug. No big deal." I explained as I was dropping off the coffee to the two different tables.

"Oh." She said after I was done talking. "I guess that makes sense..."

"Yeah, so can we drop this conversation already?" I almost even begged, and she just smiled innocently. "Only a few more questions I promise." She happily strolled next to me and I sighed.

"Ok, I'll make them quick! So... What's his name?" She asked grinning ear to ear. I rolled my eyes and sighed again. "Jake."

"Jake? Hmm... He doesn't seem like a Jake..." She tapped her chin as she thought to herself out loud, and my face paled slightly. "But I guess it suits a hot guy like him... Second question, are you sure you guys aren't... Involved?"

I just looked at her, appalled, and she giggled slightly. "Kylie, I already said no! Like I said, he was just a friend!"

"So doesn't that mean he's single?" She asked, her eyes widening in hope. "Uh... I don't know. Maybe." I answered honestly.

"Ohmygosh!" She almost jumped, and grabbed my arm. "So if you aren't dating him and he's single, does that mean I can take a shot?"

"Go right ahead." I said shaking her arm off of me. "But he's leaving back to Florida today remember? I doubt he's coming back to the cafe again, so you'd better rush to the airport while you still have a chance." I laughed out loud, and she pouted while crossing her arms. "Dang. I just wish I worked at airport security so I can pull him aside and check for 'dangerous weapons' of you know what I mean." She winked at me and I almost gaged.

"Kylie! No!" I scrunched up my nose and she laughed like she didn't have a care in the world. "Careful what you wish for." I rolled my eyes and mumbled to myself. Hah. Funny coming from the girl who now apparently owns a djinnie. Latest model too.

We heard a familiar bell ring, and Kylie rushed to the counter to grab the tray of fresh coffee and 2 chocolate muffins. "Be right back!"

I only nodded as I adjusted my apron, noticing something buzzing in my apron pocket. I pulled out my phone, and noticed there was no number written on the screen, but still my phone was buzzing as if someone was calling.

"Hello..?" I hesitantly answered, and heard a familiar chuckle. "Finally you picked up."

I froze as I immediately knew who it was. "Ugh... It's you... What do you want Erai? I'm busy working."

"I just missed you master, is that such a bad thing? Plus I wanted to hear the sound of your voice." He sighed, and I rolled my eyes dramatically.

"Do none of the rules I told you this morning apply to you? I made them specifically for you!" I scolded him, and he just laughed again. "I listened to them, but that doesn't mean I agreed to them."

"What?! You were nodding your head!" I almost screeched, earning me a few stares from the customers. I smiled nervously, and decided to go further into the back by the bathroom where nobody could hear me.

"I was nodding because I was listening. That doesn't mean I agreed to any of those rules." He said in a playful voice. "Plus I do have my own free will you know. Just because I happen to be in debt to you doesn't mean I can't make my own choices. I still have my free will."

"Yeah, to go against mine." I sighed heavily. "Don't sigh like that, you're going to sigh all your happiness away." He teased.

"Too late." I mumbled. "Anyway what did you want? I'm busy."

"What time do you get off work?" He asked completely unaffected by my annoyance with him.

"What does it matter?" I asked confused. "You are NOT going to pick me up if that's what you mean."

"Oh really?" His tone changed into an amused one in a matter of seconds. "Then tell me, how are you supposed to get home without your car? I got you there remember?" He asked in a smug tone, and I realized he was right. Again. And he knew it just as well.

"Damn it." I sighed to myself again, and I could hear his victorious chuckle. "So when do I have the privilege to see you home then?"

"I get off at 6." I didn't make an attempt to hide my unpleasantness, but he didn't sound even one bit thrown off or bothered by it.

"Alright, see you then." He sounded honestly happy, and I felt another head ache starting to come on. "See you then." I hung up before he could say anything else.

I heard someone clear their throat awkwardly beside me, and I turned my head in surprise. "Oh. Hi Ryan." I tried to hide the bitterness in my tone but it just happens to slip out anyway.

"Hey..." He said awkardly, stuffing his hands in his dress pant's pockets. He looked like he wanted to asked me something, but I started walking up past him.

"Wait..." He called out before I could fully get past him. I paused for a moment, not daring to look back. "So, uh... Who was that guy that dropped you off here this morning..?"

My eyes widened in surprise, and I turned around to face Ryan, who looked somewhat more tired than he usually does. "What?" I asked shocked.

"I saw you guys through the kitchen window... I didn't mean to of course." He rushed in with the last part, and I simply lifted an eyebrow at his abnormal behavior. Ryan never acted like this before... Well at least since we were dating...

But at his doing, he wasn't my concern anymore, and I wasn't his.

"I couldn't help but to have overheard your guy's conversation..." He looked down at his feet, slouching slightly. "Is he going to pick you up too?"

"....What do you care?"

His eyes widened at my snappy tone, and he just looked down in guilt. "I know.... Sorry for asking." His eyes remained in the ground, refusing to meet mine. I stood there for a moment, but decided it was best for me to walk away first.

Why the hell would Ryan care about Erai? More importantly, why would he even care enough to ask me about him?

An idea zapped into my head, and I almost gasped as I realized it. Could Ryan be...


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