Chapter Thirty-Three

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***ERAI'S P.O.V***

"You wanted to talk to me boss?" I calmly sat down in the chair opposite form his and kicked back my legs so they were on his desk. I smiled to myself as felt a strange feeling surge inside me.

It was almost foreign seeing how I seemed to have forgotten what it was like to be in love. Well, almost.

Last night with Seren was affecting my mood all day, I was lighter on my feet, not tired at all and just the feeling of being able to balance the whole universe on my shoulders. And right now the boss wasn't an exception.

"Uh, yes..." Mr. Sinclair turned a blind eye to my feet up on his office desk, and just calmly walked around me and sat back down in his chair, pulling something out of his drawer.

"Jake, I'd like you to have a look at these." He tossed some yellow colored papers at me, and I just sighed as I grabbed the papers and started to flip through them carelessly.

"Alright... Blah blah blah, one page, two page..." I skipped several of the pages I was supposed to be reading and instead looking for highlight words or sentences that would prove any of this actually important.

"Uh, page 10." Mr. Sinclair pointed out and I flipped two pages as I started to read what was on page 10. "His abs are so yummy they should be on the menu... I'll take a side of HIM with my coffee... I want him to have my babies... Uh, what is this?"

Mr. Sinclair smiled sheepishly, and chuckled at my confusion. "Those customer reviews about you are glowing!"

"Yes, with estrogen. Anyway, what does this have to do with me?" I asked starting to close the packet. "Ah ah, wait! You'll find that out on page... What was it, 30?"

Despite my growing confusion, I flipped past the customer reviews and scanned the pages as I continued and counted onto 30. "These chicks know they're only supposed to submit ONE review right..?"

"Well the more the merrier I guess Jake." He shrugged his shoulders, obvious pleasure radiating off of him, like a fine race horse that was his had just the race and was receiving praise.

"Alright, page 30..." I started to read the sentences from top to bottom, my cheery mood surely falling. "Wait, is this..?"

"Yes. As you can see... The restaurant is doing so well, another one is going to be opened across town!" He slapped my shoulder as he laughed joyfully.

My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, and I just laughed absentmindedly. "Ah ha... Alright, so what does this mean for me?"

"Oh, yes! Well Jake, over these past few weeks I've seen you do a marvelous job, to be honest you've done better than all out past and present employees put together, and all you had to do was stand around and look pretty! I'm actually quite proud of you Jake, you're the reason why Sinclair's is doing so well. And that's why..." He said as he smiled at me proudly. "I want to make you the owner."

My eyes widened in surprise, and I found myself at loss for words. "... Of Sinclair's? Sir, I don't-"

"Yes, this store is now your very own!" He ignored me as rummaged around in the file behind him as he pulled several different pieces of colored paper out. "You see Jake, someone has to go manage the other Sinclair's, and of course I have to do it. So while I'm away, you'll be put in charge of this cafe."

He quickly stapled all of them together, and threw the stack of papers in front of me, along with a blue pen. "Alright, all you have to do is sign on the lines on pages 1, 5, 8, 12 and 13, and on the last page, and it's all settled. You will be put in charge if this Sinclair's. Of course you'd have to send me monthly reports, but other than that, your the boss."

I looked at the stack of papers in front of me, and scanned over the words as I thought about what this meant for me. If I signed and agreed, I'd be the boss of a whole cafe... But what would Seren have to say..?

Would she be happy that her boyfriend was now her one and only boss (special treatment included if course), or would she be angry like she always is? I mean she's worked longer and harder than I ever had, she actually worked for her next paycheck, while all I did was stand around and glamorize the local women.

But if I agreed... That would give me a reason to stay. Even after Seren makes her second and final wish, which she would eventually have to do, I could still have a reason to stay. We could be together even if for a while longer.

I picked up the blue pen, and spun it in my fingers as my thoughts danced around me, and all the decisions rushing through my head all weighed and balanced themselves out. But even in the cloud of confusion, I only had one clear thought in my mind.


I walked down the hallway and to the front counter and saw Kylie with some earphones in, smacking on some gum while humming the song she was listening to while doodling on a random recipt.

"Kylie." I said to her, waving my hand on front of her face. She instantly looked up and popped one earphone out. "Oh hey Jake. What's up?"

"Have you seen Seren around?" I asked as I looked around the cafe, unable to spot her familiar face or familiar curly brown hair anywhere.

"Oh, I think she left a while ago." She tapped her chin while she was in thought, and my eyebrows clumped together. "Wait, she left? When? Why?"

"Yeah, she left with some woman who was real pretty. Amelia I think her name was. They both left together a little while after you went into the boss's office." She nonchalantly crumpled up the doodled on receipt and stuffed it in her apron.

"Amelia?" I asked as a undeniable fear suddenly flowed through me. "Did she say where she was going?!" I asked urgently. I went into Mr. Sinclair's office a little over an hour ago! Who knows where they would be now?!

"Wow, I didn't take you for the jealous type..." She smirked up at me, and I rolled my eyes. "That doesn't matter, did they say where they were going?!"

"Uh... No. I don't recall, sorry..." She lifted one perfect eyebrow at me, and I just turned around and started walking to the front door in a hurry. "Wait! Where are you going?!"

Without turning back or stopping to look at her, I just quickly made my way to the door. "On my break."


Author's Note: hey you guys sorry for the crappy updates, and any misspelled or misfitting words, I don't have a lot of time for writing anymore. :/ But nonetheless I'll still try to update once in a while, so please don't update hound me.

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