Chapter 1: The Neverending Mission

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Ahsoka Tano presumed Dead, it's been a year since this Togruta disappeared and the Grey Jedi revealed themselves. Now, Anakin Skywalker and ObiWan Kenobi, are sent on a mission to one of Pantora's moons. What will happen when they stumble on a discovery that could end the war?

Anakin's point of view

It's been a year since my Snips went missing, a year withought my daughter. I haven't been the same since that day in the council chamber;

"Wow, you guys really are stupid." Qui-Gon Gunn appeared before the council, and he was shaking his head. I was getting up off the ground, the pain had stopped.
"Qui-Gon!?!?!?" Members of the council where just bewildered and shocked that a dead Jedi just appeared before them.
"Nice to see you my old Padawan, I hope our conversation on Mortis has stayed with you."
"Wait, That wasn't a dream!?!??" ObiWan is now bewildered.
"No it wasn't, and I'm here to warn you. The Grey Jedi you seek, they have just been injured. If you don't hurry, the Galaxy's only hope of survival will die. They were too injured for me to do anything, so I did Morichro. They will die if you don't help them. It will be nearly impossible to find them soon, though her strength is little, she is preforming Art of the Small as we speak."
"Wait, you said she. Dose that mean the Grey Jedi is a female?"
"Kirff, I've revealed too much, but know this, the information in the holocron, the information from missing Padawan Ahsoka Tano. It's useless without her here to open it. And I'm afraid she may never come back, she was attacked and I don't know if she will live or not. I'm afraid that I can't say anymore than that, you must find the Grey Jedi, before they become one with the force." As Qui-Gon began to fade he told me something.
"Anakin, only you know who this Grey Jedi is, you have a bond with them that cannot be hidden. You will find her, and she will bring back the balance the force needs. And before this is over, the force will get wat it wants. Till then, use your feelings Anakin, you are her, are the Galaxy's only hope of a future. Good bye my friends, and may the force be with you." He disappeared leaving me confused. Who is this Grey Jedi?

End of Flashback
"What OniWan?"
"Thinking about that day?"
"Yes ObiWan, I just can't help but feel responsible for what happened to Ahsoka. She died ObiWan, I can't sense her anymore." I look at the ground, my Snips is dead because I couldn't protect her.
"Well, we are still looking for them. You must have hope. We will find out what happened to her. Just stay strong."
"How can I stay strong? It's been a year! A year without Ahsoka, and the whole 501st isn't the same without her." Now I'm done, it hurts to talk about her.
"Well then I'll just have to have enough hope for the both of us. Now what you-." ObiWan is cut off by an incoming transmission.
"Saw, what a pleasant surprise. How's Onderon?"
"It's fine, but I have news regarding Padawan Ahsoka Tano." He pauses, and Anakin perks up.
"I know where she was heading before she died. I've known since she disappeared, but I've been searching for her since and found nothing. I felt like it was time to allow you Jedi to pick up where I have failed."
"What do you mean you've known where she was?!!!! You've waited a whole year to tell us?! Why!" I'm furious.
"Well, it took me forever to search a whole planet alone."
"What system or planet did she go to?" ObiWan is taking over now.
"Pantora. That's where she said she was going. I'm sorry, I wanted to set things right, but I couldn't find her. She never made it to the planet apparently, so I believe she was shot down after exiting Hyperspace. But that's all I've got. Sorry that I've not told you sooner. Saw Gurrara out." Saw end the transmission there. Smart kid, I was about to strangle him.
"Now What ObiWan? We have a mission, but Ahsoka could be here."
"I promise we will look for her right when the mission is over."
"Fine, but then let's get going. I want to find Ahsoka." ObiWan doesn't argue with me.
"We have been getting reports of a Separatist outpost on one of Pantora's moons. Our job is to check it out. Our spies have informed us that they have a prisoner there in the highest security cell imaginable. With what Saw just told us, I can assume that that is Ahsoka." I'm happy with this information, but if Ahsoka is there.
"Who's the warden then?"
"This is where we have less info, but assuming that a Jedi is being held prisoner, probably General Grievous or Dooku, they have not been seen much since Ahsoka disappeared and the Grey appeared." That sounds logical.
"I guess the war was put on hold so both sides could find this Grey Jedi. She seems to be the key for one side to win the war." I hate to say these words, but they are true, not much fighting happened this past year.
"Well, there is about to be some, we are arriving at the Separatist outpost. Get ready for attack, Cody, prepare the men. Then let's go."
"Rex, let's move out."
"Right away General." Rex is following me, the 501st close behind. Our legion has grown to the most deadly in the past year, not one of the clones has died, a new found source for why we fight to power them. They fight to find their little sister, each clone was close to Ahsoka, and we all think of her as our family, and no one ever messes with her without me and my men going after them. This hit Rex just as hard as it did me, she was very very close with Rex, after all, he looked after her, even if she protected him and every clone. But now, we are even more determined to win this battle, for in this outpost is information on Ahsoka, and we are ready to find it.
"On my mark one two three, attack!!" We all charge, clones guns are firing at will, my lightsaber glowing and slashing droids. ObiWan joins the party after we kill every last droid.
"What took you so long?" I say panting.
"You let them on to us, so I had to cut through doors to catch up. But I definitely sense Grievous here. You go to the prisoner and I'll deal with the General."
"Ok." I dash off hoping that Ahsoka is the prisoner.

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