Chapter 2: The Missing Found

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Ahsoka's train uncovered, now that they have a trail to follow. ObiWan and Anakin rush to find the missing Padawan. With the future at stake, the pressure is on. Ahsoka knows things about the Galaxy's only hope, but will she still be around to tell.

Anakin's point of view

I enter one of the halves of my ship and gasp. Blood, blood everywhere. On the walls, on the floor, even on the ceiling. What happened here? ObiWan entered after me, and I hear him try to muffle his shock. Key word try.
"What could have happened?"
"I don't know, but we need to find out."
"Anakin, you have to do Psychometry."
"But how?"
"Focus on the Force, use it to see what happened in this room."
"Ok." I concentrate as hard as I could, I focus on this half of my ship, and on Ahsoka. Finally I get something. I open my mind and I can see the event;
Maul, your supposed to be dead."
"Only a Jedi knows me by that, and you seem to be close to the one who cut me in half."
"I don't know ObiWan Kenobi."
"Foolish child, only someone close to him would know who I was talking about. You will suffer by my hand."
"Never!" I feel the force, it's strong, I see Ahsoka floating in the air grasping her throat.
"I'm not going to kill you that way. Your not important enough for me to wast my strength on." Now a lot of shots are fired.
"No!" Ahsoka is struggling to get up, then I notice the blaster wound on her ankle. She was already injured. A blast breaks through her shield, and it hits her shoulder.
"Gah! That's gonna do some damage later. R4, get your parts over here!"
Ahsoka is pancaking.
"I won't go like this!" She runs to the cockpit and Maul opens fire on it. Then she gets blasted backwards, blood stained clothes. Her front is dripping with blood, she has some burns, but the blood is covering them. But then I can't see anymore.
"ObiWan, it stopped showing me things."
"I know, I saw it to. Through your mind. Let's go to the other half of the ship to see what happened there."
"Ok." We make it over there and I do the same thing. But this time, I see something else;

There is no dark side, nor a light side.
There is only the Force.
I will do what I must to keep the balance.
The balance is what keeps me together.
There is no good without evil,
But evil must not be allowed to flourish.
There is passion, yet peace.
There is serenity, yet emotion.
There is chaos, yet order.
I am the wielder of the flame, the protector of balance.
I am the holder of the torch, lighting the way.
I am the keeper of the flame, soldier of balance.
I am a guardian of balance.
I am a Gray Jedi.
Flowing through all, there is balance.
There is no peace without a passion to create.
There is no passion without peace to guide.
Knowledge blinds without the strength to act.
Power blinds without the serenity to see.
There is freedom in life.
There is purpose in death.
The Force is all things and I am the Force.
Ahsoka is the Grey Jedi. But then I see something else.
"R4, help me. I'm stuck!"
Ahsoka is lodged under some metal debris. I see her Starfighter get pulled out of the back of the ship.
"I need to stabilize this ship. Now get this metal off me. Its burning my skin!" Ahsoka is in pain. Once she gets out, she starts to limp to the front of the ship, that's when it hits something and then an explosion happens. Right under Ahsoka, she is standing on a crevice. The ship is splitting and she is where it happened. Now another explosion happens, ripping the ship in half, Ahsoka gets thrown up in the air, I see the horror in her eyes. She didn't know this would happen. But then it stops.
"ObiWan, Ahsoka is the Grey Jedi. She is who we are meant to find."
"I know Anakin. Your mind is easy to read."
"Oh geez thanks. But Ahsoka wasn't in the ship when it crashed, if she was thrown out if it, then she is nearby."
"Perhaps, Rex, please run a scan. Scan for any life forms nearby."
"Right away General." He runs off t do that, but I step on something and fall.
"Ow, What was that."
I pick up a lightsaber, similar style to Ahsoka's.
"Whose is that?" I focus hard on it. And I gasp.
"It's Ahsoka's. She built two more."
"So the reports we got that said she went to Illum were true. But why did she need to go there?"
"No clue, but I think that I can find its counter part."
"Well, go on."
"Generals, there are no life forms nearby."
"What, that's impossible, unless."
"No, ObiWan don't even go there. She can't be, I would have felt something."
"But you did feel something, one year ago to this day, you felt something on tour shared bond. And you haven't felt that bond since. It may be time for you to admit that she died. Anakin, look around you, she lost so much blood, she was so injured, she was blasted out of this darn ship when an explosion split it in two. Anakin she's gone!"
"No! She always comes back. She has to come back! If she doesn't, Then I wouldn't be able to live with myself." I'm now crying.
"Anakin, I know how much she meant to you. But her body is probably near by."
"Rex, scan for any more debris, maybe she survived and went to fin her Starfighter."
"Ok, sure. But please, don't make me get a new Padawan learner if she's gone."
"I won't, and I'll try to make sure the Council won't either."
"Thank you." We head off in the direction I sense the other saber to be in, I find it, and there seems to be blood spattered around it.
"She must have landed nearby."
"Yeah, from the looks of it, she's that way." ObiWan points towards a pile of boulders.
"ObiWan, look." I point to a shiny metal object behind a smaller bolder. I move it and grab the mysterious thing to find.
"Ahsoka's Shoto. She's here somewhere." But when I look down to where I just pulled the lightsaber from, my blood runs cold. I use the force to move the snow that's around us to find a big pool of blood that's iced over. But when I look back to where the lightsaber was, I see fingertips.
"No, no, no, no." I look at OniWan with tear in my eyes.
"Anakin What is it?" I cant speak, I just point. ObiWan gets what I'm unable to say, and looks to the whole that I made.
"Oh, Anakin, I'm sorry you had to find her this way."
"General, what's wrong?" I just point to the spot, he looks and then is angered.
"Whoever did this is dead, the 501st isn't who you go picking fights with. General I swear that she will be avenged." I can't speak, I can move. I feel like a part of me has been ripped out of my body.
"Can, can we at least take her body back to the temple. She deserves a proper funeral."
"I agree, Rex get her body out, Anakin help me lift these boulders."
"Ok." I suck it up and lift with the force. I have to close my eyes so I don't accidentally crush Rex. He says he got her, so we put the rocks down. Then we notice that they didn't come down because of her, they came down because her Starfighter crashed above her.
"That must have been a horrible way to die."
"I'm, Generals. She's frozen solid. I can't get her joints to bend. What if she's not dead. What if she's just frozen solid, like her heart is frozen in place and her blood is frozen like ice in her veins."
"That's not a bad idea." But if that's the case, we better head back to Couroscant before she thaws. Let's load up the crashed ships and head for the temple. Don't tell them we have Ahsoka until we thaw her. If she's dead, they don't need to check her up. We just need to find out."
"I agree, but remember what Qui-Gon said. He said he put her in a state of suspended animation. She could have been like this, but then she froze due to the temperature and because her blood wasn't flowing."
"You are smart ObiWan. Always have been and you always were."
"What, master?"
"Hello my Padawan. I'm sorry that you can't see me, but I used up a lot of my energy last time. Your right she isn't dead, but she will be soon, the longer I keep her in suspended animation, the less energy I have, and the more likely that she will die. Hurry before she dose join the force." We all nod then make our way to the clones we left with the wreckage of the Twilight.
"Why did Ahsoka have to take my ship."
"Wait, that's what remains of the Twilight?"
"General, I thought that you were the worst in crash landings, but your second best to Commander Tano."
"Well Rex, she wasn't exactly in the ship now was she?"
"Still, how is it that she survived with all these scars?" I'm no doctor, but she should be dead, but I'm not complaining. We found her, my Snips, and she is the last Grey Jedi. I'm so happy, but what about her. She may be different after we get her back. But that's a question for later, right now, let's just get her home.

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