Chapter 15: New threat

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Ahsoka's point of view

It's been a year since the war ended, and things have been amazing. The twins where born, I got married to Lux, I took on a padawan learner, ObiWan started dating; however, he has yet to tell me and Anakin the name of his lover. Mandalor is ruled by Satine, her nephew is getting ready to take her job, Padmè has finally gotten all the corruption out of the senate, the Jedi high council has decided to make me my own department, so to speak, in the temple. I'm the head of the Jedi Generals, basically, that is where a Jedi Who is extremely good at fighting, yet doesn't want to always fight goes. We are spiritually strong, and I make the training interesting to say the least.
It's still small, among all the other temple jobs, however, we have become one of the most essential foundations in these recent days. Due to our unique situation, we have been acting as like a intel gathering warrior hearted strike force. Oh, yeah, about the General part.
A new threat has been rising, all the more powerful Jedi have been getting these visions. Visions where another war breaks out, and every time before us Jedi wake up from these horrible visions, a baby's cries can be heard along with screams of pain.
This worries me greatly, for there is a high number of pregnant Jedi masters. Me among them, and we believe they the baby in the vision is he child of a Jedi master. So, cuz of that vision, all pregnant Jedi are forced to stay on Couroscant, and I'm ok with it, but I need more to do.
Today, I'm meeting Padmé for lunch, she invited me over to her apartment. I accepted so I could get out of this temple, like I seriously need to get out and do something. My padawan is going on a mission with Skyguy later, so she insisted that she drive me there. Just because I'm pregnant, and she thinks I'll try to do something stupid while I'm in transit. I just pout, my padawan may only be 13, but she's extremely smart. Oh, yeah, Anakin, well, he adopted me as his daughter. Now we don't just have a super strong bond, but I'm his daughter now. That's why I hang out with Padmé and the twins so much, Anakin I see all the time, and he's become more mature since his children's birth.
Oh, right. Back to lunch. I'm currently en rout to Padmè's, and Ashla is reminding me all I can't do, because I'm like 7-8 months pregnant.
"Ashla, I'm gonna be fine. I know the things I shouldn't do, you know what, your starting to sound like Anakin." Ashla's eyes go wide and then she just goes pale. Which is kinda funny considering her skin is like blue ish purple, her eye markings are white, and her lekku are a pretty green and white. Anywhoo, she just stops the speeder, then looks at me.
"Master, I'm not like your master. I can't be, he's too overprotective and still crazy!" I just laugh.
"Well, if you don't want to be like him, stop babying me, I'm an adult, and a Jedi Master. I can handle lunch with Padmé." Ashla just grumbled something then we where back on our way. We got there like five minutes later, and Ashla dropped me off then sped back to the temple.
"Ahsoka!" I turn around and saw Padmé rushing out to greet me, and I just chuckled a bit.
"Hello Padmè, Thank you again for inviting me to come over. I really needed to escape the temple, even for a little bit."
"I understand completely, at least while I was pregnant, for the most part, I was able to do what I did every day. Why did the Jedi suddenly not allow any of the pregnant Jedi to leave the temple? Something happened right? And they are worried you can't handle yourselves, probably, and you all where doing fine the first few months you where pregnant, now you all have to be cooped up." I just stare at Padmé, she actually was not to far off.
"Well, you pretty much figured it out. I'm ok with being in the temple, it means I get to teach younglings, and I fart to help my division in the temple actually get to where it needs to." Padmé gasps.
"I totally forgot about that, Ahsoka, how is it? Being in charge of that new whatever it is in the temple?"
"Well, the Jedi Peace Generals, we're making great progress in getting our jobs figured out. And there are like one hundred Jedi in it, it's amazing, one hundred Jedi like me. Good at lots of stuff, but don't want to use violence, or will use it if the situation requires it. We are the ones who now are being sent out to gather information in dangerous environments, spy on dangerous people, and also we get to target corruption and take it down. We are doing what I did alone for months after I was found on Pantora, it's so amazing, we actually are starting to fix loads of the problems the Clone Wars left of the Galaxy, and we've managed to fix like half of the damage done before the war." I'm smiling right now and Padmé is smiling.
"I'm glad Ahsoka, oh, how is Rex by the way? I heard that a lot of the old Clone troopers that where retired joined your ranks at the temple." I nod, it was sad but true.
"Yeah, most of the 501st and a good portion of the 202nd joined. Rex, Cody, Fives, Jessie, Kix, Waxer, Boil, Green, Wolfe, Gregor, and lots of others are in it. I don't get why the Senate retired practically all the clones. But they have been a major help in the progression of our area. They still work under Jedi, but they are more independent and do things on their own accord, it's still taking them time to adjust, but they are liking their new jobs. In all honesty, things are going well. Now Pamè, how are the twins?"
"You mean your siblings, and how many times do I have to tell you, you can call me mom." I just laugh.
"Sorry, Force of habit." We both continue to laugh, and then we ate a delicious lunch, but it was sadly time for me to go.
"Thanks again Padmè, I enjoyed today. Well, I probably should head back." I give her one last hug, then head back to the temple. I got back, then smiled, today had been a good day.
Right after I thought this, the temple rocked. And then alarms blared, also lots of ships surrounded the temple, and soldiers jumped out of them.
"So much for a good day." I said dryly, as blaster bolts began to fly everywhere.
"This is Ahsoka Tano, this is a priority one alert. All younglings and innates, along with the elderly Jedi, and any very pregnant Jedi, get to safety. All able Jedi help protect these ones, the rest try to defend our home. I'm contacting the senate for help." Then I turn off my comm, and use my emergency only comm for the senate. I know they are in right now, I'm married to Lux Bonteri, so I know these kinds of things.
"This is Master Ahsoka Tano, we need help! The Jedi temple is under attack, and most of not all of the High Council is offworld! My padawan is off with Anakin, and all of the able Jedi are elsewhere, only the younglings, innates, elderly jedi, and pregnant Jedi are at the temple! The Temple guards can only hold off this attack for so long, please send help!" Then I end the call, I have to focus on defending myself. I never made it into the temple so I am a sitting duck, also, I'm a Hight Council member. I deactivated my sabers and made a run for the temple doors, right as I was about to make it, I was shot from behind. I screamed in pain, and then I hit the ground and slid into the door.
"Rex, get the troops into the temple, we need them! Time to see if our training paid off!" Then I turned off the comm, and got up. There where like ten soldiers pointing blasters at me, I just force pushed them away, and went into the temple. Inside wasn't any better than outside, some corpses scattered the floor, and it made me gag, they where younglings. I ran forward, ignoring my body's pleas to stop and sit. I started to attack the enemy, I fought, I was one of the less able, but I wasn't gonna do nothing.


We were having the regular debate on taxes, when my wife appeared.
"This is Master Ahsoka Tano, we need help! The temple has been attacked and we can't hold them off. The temple guards can only protect us for so long, please get help!" Then it ended, I know not exactly what it said, but that was the gust. I was up in my pod, and staring at Bail Organa, he is subbing or Padmè today, he looks scared.
"We will send for the Jedi that are off in space, and send the clones who are still here."
"I'm going with them!" I state, the senate looks at me sympathetically, cuz that was my wife.
"Fine, just don't die, Onderon needs there Senator." I nod then sprint off to the place where the troops come from, I pray we can make it on time.


When I got called back to Couroscant, I wouldn't have thought it would be cuz the temple was attacked. Ahsoka, she's in trouble, her padawan is feeling her pain, and it wasn't pretty. Ahsoka probably rushed in the battle to help, even though she is pregnant! We are in hyperspace, trying to get back to her in time, only the force knows if we will.

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