Chapter 18: Chance's Biggest Fear

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Chapter 18: Chance’s Biggest Fear


            Most people would believe that the boat ride was the most awkward part of my night, but it was quite the opposite. In fact, Chance’s song filled the atmosphere with magical powers that obliterated all awkward feelings and replaced them with adorable, heart racing vibes (the good kind). The awkward feelings came after we got off the boat and headed back to the cabins.

            He was silent to me, and I was silent to him, but deep down inside, I felt like exploding. I was 98.9% sure that the song was about me. I mean, who else shared the same memories!?

            Chance walked me back to my cabin, and we hugged each other goodnight. That was when I learned something else; goodnights do not result in ‘good nights’. It’s an obvious lie. I mean, how could you sleep when your heart is about to leap from your chest.

            I ended up not sleeping that night. My dad used to tell me that if you couldn’t fall asleep, that meant someone else is thinking about you all night. If that’s the case, Chance must be really sleep-deprived because I’ve been thinking about him all night.

            I watched the sun rise through the clouds of dawn, and my morning alarm started blasting Ed Sheeran.


“And you will never know

Just how beautiful you are to me

But maybe I'm just in love

When you wake me up”


            I let the song to play on, while I asked myself, ‘How does love wake you up when it keeps you up all night?’ Maybe it was different for Ed Sheeran, but love grabs my heart and dances with it all night.

            I didn’t want to escape from my room yet, so I just laid in my bed and stared at the wall like a total idiot, hoping no one will come knocking. And of course, the peace of the morning was disturbed by a fellow camper knocking on my door.

            “Who is it and what do you want!?” I yelled.  

            “It’s Lillian, and I want the story!” Lillian yelled. I unlocked the door and she came in, still in her cheetah pajamas. She threw herself on my bed and gave me a suspicious glare.

            “What!?” I asked, “Why are you giving me the look.”

            “Tell me what happened last night… or should I say at 3 in the morning.”

            I laughed, refusing to answer.

            “Did he sing… the song?” Lillian looked me in the eye, and my blush reddened. “He sang it, didn’t he!?”

            “I don’t know if it’s about me anyways…” I replied, “It could be about anyone with hazel eyes.”

            “You. Are. So. Stupid.” Lillian said sarcastically, knowing that I lied. “Me and Mei went through his songbook a few nights ago. I’m just surprised he sang that one to you. I guess he wanted to keep it simple and sweet, but some of the songs in there were hmmhmmm.”

            I tried to ignore what Lillian said, but the last part hit me. What was she and Mei doing in Chance’s private songbook!?  

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