chapter 2

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3:52 PM || Boca Raton, Florida || August 28

August's POV

As soon as I got home, I walked up to my room and laid down. I opened my phone and as soon as I was about to text Cada, he texted me first.

convo: boo ❣️🤞🏾

what's good shawty?
nothing, wby honey
look outside
read 3:12pm

I put my phone beside me on my bed and walked over to my window. He had 2 bags in his hand while his car was parked in my driveway. My parents weren't home yet so I guess him being here brought some good. I grabbed my phone and ran downstairs to find my twin brother, June, at the window.

"What the fuck is he doing here?"

"Um, he's here to see me"

"And why is he-"

"June. Stop trying to control me. We're not 12 anymore. I can take care of myself."

I pushed past him and walked towards the door.

"I just don't want you to get hurt."

"I love you J.. But I'll be fine."

I opened the door and started to record him while walking towards him. I stopped recording and hugged him and then we walked inside and up to my room. I turned my TV on so we could watch Netflix with the snacks he brought. I turned on a movie and we started to cuddle while watching. My parents had texted me and told me that they wouldn't be home till late but june, cada and I had a party to go too. It started at 7 and it was 5:30. I decided that we would just watch the movie for 30 more minutes and then I'd start to get ready.

D'Asia's POV

I was sitting on my bed, watching youtube videos on remodeling my rooms and wondering where the hell my brother was. Trey and I had just gotten back from therapy and everyone was here but Cadarious. Right when I had gotten off my bed to go to my desk , he texted me.

convo:  THEE knuckles 👊🏾💗

i'm taking Aug to the party
yeah okay just steal my mf bestfriend bitch
read 5:57pm

By the time I had stopped texting him, it had been time for me to start getting ready. I put my hair up and started to do my makeup. I had thought about remodeling my room for senior year and I wanted to start as soon as I could. I grabbed my phone and started making voice notes about what i needed. I wanted to change my room because it literally is just purple and i honestly hate the color purple.

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