chapter 3

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2:28 AM || Boca Raton, FL|| August's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, on the floor, and needing to pee. I felt something wet on my arms and I looked down to see glue on my arms and in my hair. I got up and went to the bathroom and sat on the toilet, still half asleep.

Day's POV

I couldn't sleep and August wasn't in my room, she was probably in my brother's room, getting that good good. I decided to facetime Jaylen on my iPad and see what he was up to.

Ring.. Ring.. Ring..

convo between Jaylen and Day:

J: is Day Braithwaite calling me at 2:30 in the morning?

D: I'm sorry.. were you sleeping?

J: nah I was playin 2k, why you up ?

D: I couldn't sleep..

continuation of convo

August's POV

Since Day was asleep, I decided to go get my back blown out by Cada. When I walked in his room, he saw me and smiled hard. I sat next to him and started kissing on his neck. You already know what happens from there..

6:30 AM- Day's POV

I was rudely awaken by two alarms with different sounds going off. I opened my eyes immediately to find Jaylen's alarm going off and mine. I realized that we had stayed on facetime all night and fell asleep together. I left him on facetime and got up to get ready. August wasn't in my bed so I assumed she was in C's. I knocked on all the doors and when I went downstairs, August was cooking food. I immediately turned back around and went back upstairs. I decided to get in the shower and wash my hair, since I hate when I have to wash it in the sink.

About 15 minutes later, I got out and dried myself off. I went into my closet and picked out a white shirt with the word 'princess' in red, some mom jeans, and my white hightop converse. I moisturized my hair and then put it up into a floppy bun. I did some light makeup and then I called it a day. I put my backpack and sports backpack together and hung up the call. I grabbed all my phone's essentials and walked out of my room.

I got downstairs and put my stuff by the door. I ate breakfast quickly and set my plate in the dishwasher. I grabbed my keys, a gatorade and a granola bar on the way out. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to my jeep. I got in and drove off. As I was driving, I turned on my music and I put on Money by Cardi B and drove to Amouri's apartment. I got out and helped her with Travis and put him in the carseat in my car. Once they were in the car and Ri put on 'Bitch From Da Souf' which happens to be my song and we rapped the whole way to Starbucks.

Once I got to Starbucks, I ordered my usual, a Vanilla Bean Frappe with extra caramel drizzle on the inside and top, and Amouri's double chocolate frappe with white chocolate chips and caramel drizzle. I got our drinks and then made my way to school.

Parking in the senior's parking lot, I parked right next to Malik. I helped Amouri get Travis out of the car and then we walked into school.

I walked Amouri up to her homeroom which was only on the second floor, since she was a junior. I helped her settle in and then she sat in the back and started talking to some girls. I went up to the third floor and went to my homeroom.

We had gotten schedule changes. My new schedule was AP Calculus, AP Physics, AP US History, Home Ec (with lunch), Study Hall, AP English Lit, Study Hall, AP Spanish, and College class.

After homeroom was over, I went to my locker to get my stuff and then AP Calculus which happened to be 3 doors down from my homeroom. Once I got into APCalc, 1st, 2nd and 3rd period was just filled with worksheets and packets. It was time for my 4th period class, which is Home Ec. Mrs. Molina doesn't like when we bring our backpacks to her class so we get our notebook and a pencil or pen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2020 ⏰

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