Chapter 2

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--After the teachers locked Patriot into the closet--

Your POV

You demanded answers from Calvin you slammed your hand on the table as he held his notebooks tightly to his chest. "No!" Calvin said for the 5th time "Come on give me you little squat bitch!" You yelled then you heard some people screaming, you paused and walked out of the book isle as a group of teachers came in. Calvin appeared as a female teacher known as Rebekah yelled for them to kill you two but then Tracey came in saying that they weren't like some people known as others. "What's going on?" Calvin said "KILL IT!" Rebekah screeched "No wait, Tracey's right (Y/N), Calvin you don't have a thirst for blood?" Lucy asked "Why would we?" You said "Wait why are you in here?" Clint asked "She was trying to steal answers for the test which I was studying for." Calvin explained "Shut up!" You yelled at him "Oh great, how is it going?" Doug asked "OKAY, FUCK THE TEST, we got to find higher ground!" Wade said walking out of the room with everyone following him (Y/N) stared at the children, who were growling and trying to get in. "What the hell?" You muttered but Calvin heard you and said "Cooties, they have cooties." Calvin said as you two followed the adults "Cooties, I thought that didn't exist." You said, shocked then you guys came to the music room as Rebekah closed the door. "Okay what is going on?" Wade said then BAMN all of you screamed, you turned to see Shelley with horrible blisters on her face, "WHAT THE FUCK?" You yelled running into the main room while Rebekah screamed "Can someone please tell me what is going on? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" Rebekah stomped her feet "I blame rap music!" Doug said "I hated my teachers, hated them, but I never tried to kill them!" Clint said "They have cooties." Said Calvin Clint turned to him "What?" "They have cooties, it's what that girl Shelly has." Calvin explained, then you remembered Patriot and Dink horror reached to your face. "She's dirty." Calvin said "Calvin, that's not nice." Lucy said then Doug cut in "No he's right, if you would come here." Doug walked off but no one followed him, he just looked at Shelly. Lucy noticed your facial expression "What's wrong, (Y/N)?" She asked Clint looked at you "PATRIOT, DINK!" You said running to the door but Doug was walking in "DOUG GRAB HER!" Wade yelled Doug grabbed the back of your shirt and pulled you back "Don't go out that door!" Tracey told you as you squirmed and kicked. Wade then smiled "Oh, I see it now! You aren't as tough as you used to be without your gang now! HA!" Wade said as Tracey grabbed you then we heard a throw up sound, you all turned around to see Clint vomitting. "Clint are you okay?" Lucy asked then Wade noticed something "HE'S SCRATCHED!" Everyone back up as Wade quartined him, "Wait! Clint is vomitting unlike the kids, maybe it doesn't affect adults like it does to children." Doug explained his theory as everyone calmed down but Wade seems on edge, "Wait I got a idea! We can wait until the parents come to pick up the kids and we'll signal them for help." Lucy suggested everyone agreed but you cause you were sitting in a corner in shock. Clint looked to you then to the others "Should we tell her that Patriot and Dink are infected?" Clint whispered Wade looked at him "No, but they did seem to have a thing for each other." Tracey said suddenly they all heard a door closed "Wait where is she?" Wade said then everyone started to panic as Doug walked to the door only to see you running down the hall. "SHE WENT OUT!" Yelled Doug "No, we aren't going after her she's dead! She'll become one of them." Wade said Lucy looked at him shocked.


You walked down the hall trying to find your friends screaming their names. Suddenly you heard a supernatural sound, you whipped your head around only to see Dink but he wasn't anything like the Dink you knew. Your instincts told you to run and you obeyed, running as fast as possible Dink right behind you. You saw the principl's office and ran in there as soon as Dink turned the corner, Dink let out a screech alerting anything else in the school. You turned around to see your principl dead, you nearly screamed but you covered your own mouth as you saw a boy covered in blood come out from behind the desk. You saw him, Patriot, but he wasn't Patriot he lunged at you, you dodged him but your worst move was you had your back to him, he pounced on you and bit into your shoulder, you screamed in pain, falling down he was now in front of you with new blood, yours, on his mouth but he looked at you confused "P-P-Patriot?" You said black dots covered your vision as you passed out. Great I will get killed by my best friend and crush!


You saw a bright light shining on you but then it went out, you looked around to see no one but the dead body. As you tried to sit up, you flinched as pain shot through your shoulder. Suddenly the door opened to reveal Patriot with a zip lock bag, he noticed you and dropped it then realized it had ice in it. You looked to him as he let out a low creepy sound, he grabbed it then placed it on your bitten shoulder it was painful at first then you felt relieved. Screeches came from outside and screams Patriot looked out the window and then went out, isn't he going to kill me? You wondered then a few minutes later he came back with a helment in his hands. He placed it on your head then urged you up, he seemed to be resiting something, probably the urge to tear me apart! You thought as he leaded you through the hallway a kid appeared and screeched coming at you but Patriot screeched causing the kid to back up watching you. "Paie Paie, I don't like this." You whispered but then you saw the main doors and Patriot opened it, you quickly went through the door followed by Patriot. You saw a horde of the infected kids but see them fighting the same band of adults from before! Patriot grabbed your hand and led you through no one messed with you too busy trying to get their prey. Patriot led you to a red truck but helped you get in the trunk. You saw them all getting in the truck but a girl who seemed not infected noticed you and started talking to Lucy, Lucy looked at you and screamed. You fell back to see Patriot leaning down avoiding being seen, noticing he was the one who pulled you down. You then heard a scream and peaked your head out to see Wade getting pinned, you leaned back down but suddenly you fell asleep when you closed your eyes for a minute.


You woke up to see Patriot's head on your chest but he seemed to be asleep, dang infected kids can sleep? You were happy that you kept one of your friends alive, you still didn't know where Dink was maybe he was dead. You sliently and gently picked up Patriot's head and set it down on, Patriot didn't even stir "It must be so hard to be a cootie kid." You cooed then he made a sound and you flinched but then he sounded like a dog but you understood it "I luv you." It was a mix of his original sound, a dog, and semi-human. "I love you too." You whispered trying not to laugh but you giggled slightly, you got on your knees you noticed that your helment was off, Patriot maybe took it off, you noticed the truck had a small window open you crept up to see Calvin and the same girl "Where's Wade?" You whsipered Calvin nearly screeched Clint turned around to see you "(Y/N)?" He said Doug turned around shock "How?" Doug asked "Sh, whsiper." You told them "Why?" Lucy whsipered "Cause Patriot is asleep." You said casualy Clint froze "There's a motherfucking cootie kid in the back? Why aren't you dead?" Clint asked "I don't know but he saved me." You said "How? All they know is to kill!" Doug whispered "Well, he's different see ya later." You said getting out of the window sitting down as Patriot stirred, you noticed Calvin looked at Patriot "Wow, that is awesome, (Y/N)! Do you love him?" Calvin asked it stunned you, you blushed "I- um, sana humma." You stuttered Calvin giggled

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