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requested by: anonymous (tumblr)
warnings: ooc probably
pairings: reader + RK900 (conner)
title: The Interview

"You must be _____." The voice startled you out of your work; had you not had a tight grip on the watering can in your hands, you might have dropped it. "I am Conner. I was sent by Lt. Anderson and my predecessor to retrieve you."
You turned around to see, basically, Connor, though his collar was taller and he had blue eyes. They were much colder than Connor's; you didn't like it.
"Yeah, uh- can I ask why they need me?" It was uncomfortable being around this Connor look-alike, but you would have to tolerate it. "Is it about my neighbors?"
"Yes," came Conner's reply. He was looking down on you, as though he were better. "Although we should not need your witness statement, it is required by the station."
You took note of the way his LED flashed yellow, but you didn't bring it up. "I'm assuming you brought a car?"
"Of course. Humans do not have as much stamina as androids do." Was that a smirk on his lips?
Was he teasing you?
You furrowed your brows, but ignored the jab he threw your way as you stepped away from your plants. This guy made you nervous, but if you didn't go then Hank would be raising hell.
"Follow me," you said, taking quick steps to the door of your home. "I'm gonna go get changed real quick," continued, having sat your watering can outside and stepped in.
A hand wrapped itself around your wrist, and the first thing you took note of as you turned was the way Conner's LED was flashing between yellow and red.
"Connor sent me a message; he said that we do not have to go to the station for the report, and that I can... question you from here." His eyes glanced over your face, then down and back to your eyes. A grin twitched at the corners of his lips.
"That pause makes me anxious," you reply as your heart starts to beat just a little bit faster. The android leans close, and you can feel your face start to heat up.
"Does it?" he asked. His tongue flicked across his lips, causing your eyes to turn to the movement. "My scans are not showing anxiety, but rather..." Conner trailed off, leaning close to your neck.
You choked slightly when he brushed his lips against your neck.
"Are you ready to start?"

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