Chapter 1 Where it all began 10 years ago

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Author's note: This is my first time doing this so if you guys have any ideas about this feel free to let me know in the comments please also i'm 15 now so this is temporarily 10 years ago when I was 5 and also let me know if I should switch prospectives because I don't know if I should or not and if your confused this is my prov in this

10 years ago
-Aidan's Prov
I was playing a game that's a lot like soccer at the Forever Rock with Cragger's son named Cragger Junior (Author's Note: I couldn't think of any other names for Cragger's son's name so if you guys have ANY ideas please let me know) and my Dad got Longtooth to watch over me because he made Longtooth my guardian because I don't know how to fight yet and I can't even come close to driving a Speedor even if i'm not even old enough to drive one yet but there's things that have happened so weird whenever I get angry or scared but i'm not afraid of anything but it's really rare of me to be afraid so whenever those things happen things very weird happen and i'm apparently the last of an ancient race of warriors called Realm Guardians and i'm apparently the last one but I didn't know this yet but i'm getting a bit tired and I was on a role with mopping the floor with Cragger Junior so I told him that I was done and a crocodile trooper was with Cragger Junior as his guardian so Cragger Junior told me he was tired too and wanted to go home so we said bye to each other and I told Longtooth I wanted to go back home so Longtooth lifted me up and put me on his Speedor and got on behind me then started it and took off and the reason why is because i'm at like the height of his waist so he could make sure I don't fall off and we came back and I was actually really tired that I could barely walk and Longtooth saw how tired I was so he picked me up and carried me up the stairs to the Lion Temple and when he got me to my Mom and Dad who are Laval And Li'Ella and my Mom took me and carried me to my room and put me in my bed and I had a nap
- The Next Day
The next day when I woke up I just remembered that today's my sister Li'Ara's Age Of Becoming Ceremony so I got changed and made it in time for the Ceremony and Mom saw me and picked me up and I watched Dad give Li'Ara an orb of Chi

10 years ago-Aidan's ProvI was playing a game that's a lot like soccer at the Forever Rock with Cragger's son named Cragger Junior (Author's Note: I couldn't think of any other names for Cragger's son's name so if you guys have ANY ideas please le...

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And the next thing I know the Temple started shaking and then there was an explosion and the Temple was under attack and Mom was about to run me to my room but I got hit by a pulse beam and it knocked me out and that's all I can remember.
To Be Continued...

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