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The front gates finally opened, a large group of new and returning cadets all filing inside. The light grey walls were decorated with multiple colored banners, each one with a different color and symbol. The rooftops were a bluish purple, and the windows were all lined with golden colored trim. And this was only the main building. The two dorms had deep green and red rooftops respectively, and beyond them were various elemental areas for those who couldn't sleep inside a house.

Everyone sat it the courtyard, still laughing and chatting. As Stealth elf walked around, she accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm sorry..." She said to the boy, "I wasn't looking. My name is Stealth elf by the way." "D-don't worry about it," the male elf replied, "I'm just no good with crowds..." "What's with the blindfold?" She asked, making his ears droop. "I... Have my reasons..." He replied nervously. She just looked at him for a moment before nodding, if he wasn't comfortable she wasn't going to push him.

Nearby, Spyro did a mid air loop de loop before landing and joining the crowd. With a smile on his face, he went to greet everyone. So far, he'd met a few nice sentient robots, a young angel, a blue elf with an energetic skeleton ostrich, and a slightly annoyed, yet polite lava golem. However when he said hello to a returning storm giant, the blue guy just scoffed before going back to flexing. "Well you're very polite..." Spyro mumbled under his breath as he walked away. Soon he noticed a group of freshman dragons and decided to meet with them.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked, happily walking up to the group. "Oh hey!" Said a blue water dragon wearing a golden harness, his voice was a little gargley, but he seemed nice. Next to him was a rocky looking ground dragon, a white dragon with purple crystal wings, a blue dragon wearing armor and a dragon with bug traits and a racing helmet. "You a new dragon around here too?" The water dragon asked. "Actually, I've lived here my whole life, but today is my first actual day as a student, so I'm excited!" Spyro replied. "Well, I'm Zap, and these are some of my new friends," he said. "I'm Bash!" Said the rocky dragon with a slightly gruff voice. "I'm Flashwing," said the crystal dragon, with a voice as smooth as glass. "I'm Blades," said the blue armored dragon, confidence in his voice. "And I'm High five," said the bug dragon. "Spyro, and it's nice to meet you all," said Spyro. However in the corner of his eye he saw another dragon, only she seemed like she was nervous. Flashwing looked over and scoffed.

"Ugh, her..." She said. "Do you know her?" Asked Spyro. Everyone glared at the shy dragon in question. "She's Cynder, apparently the first undead dragon to come to the school," Blades explained, "She's going to be nothing but trouble." "What are you talking about?" Spyro asked. "Undead dragons are nothing but bad, they give us other dragons a bad name," said Zap. "She's going to eat our souls in our sleep, just watch..." Said High five. "She doesn't look so bad to me," said Spyro. The group glared at him. "Don't let her fool you, she's a killing machine!" Bash scolded, but Spyro was already paying the supposed trouble maker a visit.

"Hello," said Spyro, causing the shy dragon to turn into a shadow out of habit. "Cool! How'd you do that?" Spyro asked, looking at the dragon shaped shadow with interest. "You... Really think so?" She asked timidly. "Yeah," Spyro replied, "I've never seen anything like it before." She poked her head out of the shadow to look at him. "I'm Spyro," he said, "and you're Cynder, right?"  "Yes..." she replied, "did the dragons over there tell you?" She asked. "Yes," Spyro replied. Cynder began sinking back into the shadows. "They don't like me, I know it," she said, "are you here to tell me what they'd want to say to me?" "No, I'm here to tell you what I see," Spyro replied. "A no good undead dragon?" She asked. Spyro shook his head.

"I see a nice dragon who really needs a friend."

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