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The chatty crowd didn't really quiet down until Master Eon walked forward to the front of the podium, tapping on the mic to get everyone's attention. Everyone hushed as the wise Portal Master cleared his throat, making sure to examine each face. Though the academy housed hundreds of heroes young and old, he could remember each name and face by heart. He had a photographic memory, something he secretly prided about himself. Something that made him a good Portal Master.

"Welcome everyone!" He exclaimed, "welcome to Skylanders academy! Each one of you have shown great heroism and many unique abilities, which is why you all have been invited here. You all have great potential, and though I'm sure you all know how to handle yourselves well, we still live in an ever infinite space, and we're here to prepare you all on your quest to becoming the greatest heroes of all time, Skylanders." The crowd made a loud cheer, before Master Eon raised his hand for their attention.

Now, for some of you, this is your next semester as a senior cadet, meaning you will one day graduate to becoming official Skylanders," said the Portal Master, "but for many, this is your first time ever to set foot in these halls as a freshman." He looked at the large crowd before him again.

At the head of the crowd, Spyro and Cynder watched intently as an elf sat down beside them. Despite his blindfold, he somehow seemed to see everything around him as if it wasn't there. "You new?" Spyro asked suddenly, causing the elf to flinch. "Y-yeah... You could say that..." He said. "I'm Spyro, and this is Cynder," Spyro said. "Hi..." Cynder said shyly. "What's your name?" Asked Spyro. The elf didn't answer, but tensed as Eon made another announcement.

"I will now introduce our new freshman fire cadets," explained the wise Portal Master. "Please be last... Please be last..." The young elf thought. "Flameslinger, please come up," said Eon with a warm smile, looking in the young archer's direction. The boy's green pointed ears drooped as he walked up on to the podium, in front of a sea of cadets all staring at him. Oh, how he hated that awful staring. Like a thousand lasers all focused on him as he approached the Portal Master. "This is your dorm room number," he said, passing a small slip of paper to the archer. "We're honored to have the fire elf attending," he said.

Everyone continued staring as Flameslinger sat back down, completely uncomfortable with his current attention. "Awesome name," said Spyro, "do you shoot flaming arrows?" "T-that pretty much sums it up," said Flameslinger, as Eon called for a student named Sunburn.

Stealth elf actually had no idea the elven boy had disappeared at first. He was too quiet, and she didn't really catch his name. That is until Eon called him. "A fire elf?" She said aloud. While Flameslinger himself was the only other elf she's met besides Cami, she wasn't expecting him to be a fire type until she finally got his name. Cami would talk about elven heritage and history all the time, and not once was a fire elf mentioned.

Soon, every new cadet was called, and Eon started his elemental pattern again for the seniors. After all room numbers were given, Eon stepped to the mic one last time. "Thank you all for being patient. After you get your things unpacked in your dorms, you may use the rest of the day to explore and socialize. School starts next week on Monday, be ready by then," said the Portal Master, before he walked off stage.

Spyro turned, only to see Flameslinger had vanished, so he assumed Flameslinger was heading to his dorm. "Would you like a tour, Cynder?" He asked. "That would actually be nice... Thank you," she said, as they walked.

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