In the brisk morning

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As Eon had said, it wouldn't be until next week that classes started officially, so for the reminder of this week, they explored their surroundings and socialized.

Flameslinger woke up earlier than the others, much earlier, so he stealthily got dressed, before stepping outside just as quietly. He walked down the hallway and towards the dragon balcony to look at the academy. Despite the wall at the entrance, the grounds were vast, and had a lot more room than actually needed. The archer let himself smile at this. Plenty of room to run around and stretch his legs every morning. Which is just what he did. Faster than anyone could've imagined, he ran down the side of the building, before zooming off into the nearby woods in the life elemental area.

In the girls dorm, Stealth elf also woke up. She shared a room with Cynder, due to the dragon developing a deep respect for her, but also because she wasn't as neat as Sprocket would have liked. Stretching her arms above her head, she got dressed and silently made her way out of the building. She took in a deep breath of the morning air, and darted off towards the forest to prepare her mind for the day. A nice forest walk had always helped with that.

She had found a small stump in the center of the woods, deciding it would be a nice place to meditate. Just as she sat down, a small "whoosh" caught her attention.

Then another.

And another.

Curious, she decided to try and find the source of this sound. To a normal ear, it was impossible to hear, but to the highly sensitive elf ear, it was very soft, but hearable. Had she not been trained in the ways of a forest ninja, she probably wouldn't have noticed it.

She followed the sound around the entire forest, until she realized it was making laps around the place. An orange and green blur, leaving a blazing trail of fire behind it. Yet the fire disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and not a single scorch was left. Curious to what could be moving so fast, she decided to step in it's path.

Flameslinger was on his twentieth lap on his run through the forest, when he saw the girl he met yesterday in his path. He came to a screeching halt, before stopping only mere seconds before running into her. She tensed, but never flinched as he finally stopped himself, the archer panting like crazy. "Why did you do that!?" He shouted. "I just wanted to see what was moving so fast, so now I know," she replied, "what are you doing out here?" "I could ask you the same," he said. The two just looked at each other, before Stealth elf asked another question. "Why did you run away from me?" She asked. "I.... I didn't run...." He said, "but I'm often quite nervous around too many people..." The two sat there in awkward silence for a moment.

"Well, I guess I know how it feels, but you shouldn't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. We're all social creatures after all." Flameslinger nodded, and Stealth elf turned to leave. "Hey by the way," she said, "I'll let you run again, but meet me at breakfast, okay?" "I will!" Flameslinger promised, but he realized he forgot something and turned around. "Hey Stealth! I forgot to tell you my name!" "What is it?" She asked. "Flameslinger," he said with a small smile, "but if you want, you can just call me Flame."

With that, the fire elf took off running again, leaving Stealth elf alone to ponder. "Flameslinger..." She repeated to herself, before looking back in the direction he ran and smiling. "I never knew elves could be fire types..."

She went back to her stump to meditate, for it wouldn't be until a little later in the morning that it was time for breakfast.

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