Chapter Nine

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*This chapter has been edited by my Beta Casey. Thanks for the follows reviews and favorites. Please let me know if you think things are progressing too slowly. Im worried that everything isn't running as smoothly as I hoped. Constructive criticism is always welcome. Your feedback gives me motivation so don't be a silent reader. I promise I don't bite...too hard;)*

I opened the door to the house just as Jeremy was heading upstairs. I tossed my bag on the couch and followed him up. Oddly enough, he made his way into Elena's room. I had thought they were on the outs, but they were talking as I walked in. I ignored whatever they were saying and threw myself on Elena's bed. I wasn't much for open displays of affection, but after the crap day I'd had to deal with, I could really use a little sibling time.

"Gah, this day sucked, Lena!" I said, throwing my head in her lap and ignoring the oomph of protest that escaped her.

I covered my face with my hands and listened to her and Jeremy's conversation.

"Is Vicki in there?" she asked, nodding her head in the direction of his room.

My eyebrows rose at the revelation. Well, well, well little Jer getting it on with naughty Vic...

"You and Vic? Wow, I hope you wrapped it, Jeremy," I said without thinking.

Elena's mouth shot open, and she grabbed her pillow and used it to pummel me in the face.

"Ewww! Ellie that's disgusting. I don't wanna hear about what our brother does with Vicki or anyone else!" she shouted.

Jeremy was laughing loudly at our little display. I pulled myself away from Elena and jumped up beside Jeremy.

"What!? It's a valid and important thing to ask. I don't wanna be an auntie yet! Plus, Vic is...experienced. I just wanna make sure he is being safe," I tossed the nearby pillow at her face, then looked at Jeremy with a fixed expression. "So, you are being smart, right, Jer?"

He tried to hide the red shade the was beginning to cover his face without success. He put his hands over his eyes with a grumble. I laughed at his embarrassment and pulled his hands away, revealing his cherry red features.

"Ya know Jer, they say if you're too embarrassed to discuss sex than you're too young to be having it." I joked.

He pulled away from me and threw himself on Elena's window seat with a huff.

"We are being careful, El, and I know all about her past — it doesn't bother me," he said, indignantly

I sat back down beside Elena and laid back in her lap, shrugging.

"Okay then, that's all I wanted to know,"

Elena ran her fingers through my hair as we were all quiet for a moment.

"God, isn't it weird how adult our conversations have become? I can remember when we were all fighting over each other's toys. Where did the time go?" Elena asked.

Jeremy and I looked at her, our faces overcast with memories.

"We grew up, Lena. I miss our childhood as well but try to remember that we get to experience new things now. Like college, marriage, children," Jeremy said. "there is still so much to come,"

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