*A/n: Hey ya'll! Welcome to our latest chapter; I still do not have an official beta for NB but my dear friend FelixFelicis313, who I am working with on my story Hope For A Better Future (which you should check out if you enjoy Hermione-centric fics) helped me fix this chappie up nice and pretty. Still, even two sets of eyes can miss some things, so I apologize for any mistakes. I hope you enjoy this chapter, if you do please leave a review and let me know. *
The moment I opened my eyes I felt a new sensation build in my body and I basked in it, remaining perfectly still. I couldn't remember the last time I had felt so alive. My fingers and toes tingle with bruising warmth and I flexed my muscles, almost sighing with satisfaction. I focused my gaze on the ceiling as a prism of colors sang across it in a blurry rainbow. I watched the way it flickered in and out of view, blocked by someone's frizzy blonde hair. My focus shifted to take in the pale face of Caroline, who was standing to my right. Her blue eyes were red and puffy and her skin was lined with fresh tear tracks. Her head rested in the crook of Matt's neck and her pink-tinted nose twitched as she sniffled, releasing a shuddering breath of air. Matt wrapped his arm around her, his fingertips gently brushing her shoulder. His ordinarily warm blue eyes were subdued and his expression lifeless; he was cloaked in exhaustion. A twinge at the base of my skull captured my attention and my eyes flickered to the left. A torrent of brown hair fell in my line of sight, blocking the face of the person lying in bed next to my still form. The smell of green apple met my senses, and I knew it was my sister; mom had developed Elena's love for Suave shampoo.
She turned her head, and I felt the tug on my skull again; I realized that she was idly playing with my hair. Tears ran down her cherry-red cheeks and she brushed them away with trembling fingers. A pained hiccup escaped her lips as her ragged breathing began to accelerate, and in an attempt to take in enough oxygen, she inhaled deeply. Slowly her head lowered onto my shoulder and I held my breath as she spoke, her voice strained. "Please don't leave me…I can't do this on my own. How am I supposed to go on without you?"
Caroline's deep sob filled the air and I felt a guilty ache build in my chest. A wet warmth seeped through my cotton shirt, and my expression shifted, brows scrunching up with sadness. The sudden movement on my face must have drawn Matt's attention because his breathing quickened, a sharp exhale of astonishment spilling from between parted lips. I glanced over at him, meeting his gaze; his blue eyes were sparking with disbelief. I allowed a small mischievous smile to overtake my face before lifting my hand and running my fingers through Elena's hair. She jolted, and her head flew upward. Her chestnut eyes were rounded in shock, and for a moment she simply stared at me, gaze flickering across my face. Then slowly, her expression melted and her brown doe eyes turned into toasty cinnamon. Her lashes were flecked with tears as she continued to stare at me with pained disbelief. Before I could so much as speak, her hands flew to my face, cupping my cheeks. She cried out in exhalation. "You're warm!"
I placed my hand atop hers and smiled gently at the sheer joy that she was radiating. Without warning, I was assaulted by a wave of blonde; the bed creaked menacingly as Caroline collided with us. The air whooshed from my lungs in an aching rush as she wrapped her arms around me. Tears bubbled in her blue eyes and I could barely make out the words that poured from her lips. "You left. Why? Please. Ellie. Never…"
I tried to sit up to better comfort my crying best friend but remained pinned to the mattress. I patted her on the back with a small smile, shushing her lightly as I held her tight. "I'm sorry, Caroline. I never meant to be gone that long. I was supposed to wake up alongside Elena. I took the potion meant for her and shouldn't have. No apology will ever be adequate, but I can promise it'll never happen again," I swore.

New Beginning
FanfictionUnlike her twin sister, Elena, Elara Gilbert never quite fit in. Heck, how could she when this was at least the 50th time she'd relived her teenage years? Cursed by a sorceress a thousand years ago, Elara is stuck in an infinite loop of birth, life...