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I pushed past the school doors and into the frigid air, the sky was still painted in a thick grey plaster as it had been the past week.

I pulled my sweater closer to me in hopes of keeping warm but in the end failing. I walked down the street away from the old brick building, and into the crowd of pedestrians. I could feel the drag of being tired weighing me down.

I dragged my feet along the paved side walks one foot at a time until I got to the tall building in which I called home. I made my way up the steps and pushed past the doors into the warm lobby.

"73 please." I said while still looking at my feet.

The steel doors split apart and I slid in. The chime dinged 73 times before the elevator abruptly stopping and slid its doors open.

I stumbled out of the elevator catching myself on the coat rack. I sighed and kicked my shoes off while walking towards the kitchen.

I set my stuff down on the counter and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, I unscrewed the top and sipped at the chilled water.

It was quiet in the house and I enjoyed it, I'm surprised I couldn't hear Ezra in his room. I walked out of the kitchen and towards Ezra's room. His door was shut so I pressed my ear to it and listened.

I didn't hear anything so I slowly pulled down the handle and pushed the door open. Ezra was lying in bed with his fan on.

I sighed and pulled his door shut, I walked back to the kitchen. I grabbed my binder off the counter and pulled my AP World History homework out.

I'm not the type of person that keeps an AB honor role, I'm not book smart but I am smart. My father always said that there's a difference between getting good grades and being smart. Melissa has always been book smart but she doesn't have any common sense. I'm the complete opposite.

I had almost finished the front page when the elevator binged, I walked around the island into the living room to see who was coming up.

The elevator door split revealing Mom, Melissa, and Joji. Mom and Melissa had bags in each hand with name brands plastered on them, Joji stood in the back caring some other bags.

They walked into the kitchen and sprawled the bags all around the counters. I walked back to my work and closed my binder, Melissa and mom were laughing while Joji stood awkward.

"Oh Olympia, I didn't see you. How was your day at school?" My mother asked.

"As usual, uneventful." I replied.

"Melissa got so many wonderful things, would you like to see them?" My mom asked while pulling Melissa towards her.

"Sounds like a lot of fun but I have homework I need to finish." I said while reopening my binder.

My mother sighed and pulled Melissa out of the kitchen and into there room leaving Joji with me. He stood looking at the ground while fidgeting with his hands in his hoodie pocket.

"I'm gonna go smoke would you like to join or do you want to stand here in silence?" I asked while feeling my pockets for the box.

"Yeah I'll come." He said while walking towards the elevator.

I grabbed my coat off the rack and slipped my boots back on. The elevator ride down was quiet but not awkward.

We walked down the steps of the apartment building and plopped down next to each other. I pulled out the cigarette box and shook it a bit, I proceeded to pull out a stick and light it.

I put the cigarette between my chapped lips and inhaled the tar into my lungs. It stung my throat as usual, I watched as Joji did the same. We sat for a few moments enjoying the quietness.

Sillage [Joji Miller]Where stories live. Discover now