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My head pounded and my ears rang when I woke up, I sat up quickly not realizing my surroundings and became light headed.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself while rubbing my forehead with my palms.

I stood up slowly from the stiff couch and walked to the bathroom, I flicked on the dim light that buzzed overhead to see my reflection.

The person in the mirror took me by surprise, my eye bags had never been this bad, I looked pale and sick, and my hair stuck up on every part of my head.

I reached down for the sink knob and it squeaked as I turned on the cold water, I stuck my hands under the faucet and quickly splashed it onto my face.

I rubbed my eyes with the water and grabbed the towel that sat on the rack beside the sink and patted my face dry. I looked back up at myself and was still disappointed.

A sighed escaped my lips as I threw the towel back onto the rack and walked out, Junix was still laying in the recliner with his face dug into the cushions.

I walked to the small kitchen and dug through his medicine cabinet and grabbed the red and white bottle that said 'Tylenol' and undid the cap.

I shook out 3 tablets and put them in the back of my mouth, I grabbed a cup out of the cupboard and filled it with water then swallowed the pills.

I filled the cup up again and grabbed the pill bottle while walking over to the sleeping stone, the water sloshed as I walked and set it down next to him on the stand.

He snored as his light colored hair covered his small forehead.

I grabbed my bag off the ground and sat back down on the couch. I unzipped it and shuffled through until I found a hair tie.

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail so I wouldn't look so bad.

Junix rolled over and grumbled words that I couldn't make out. I grabbed the carton of cigarettes out of my bag and slid them into my back pocket as I stood up.

The floor boards creaked under my feet as I walked to the door. I pulled down the handle and shut the door quietly behind me.

My backpack jumped against my back as I descended down the stairs and towards the exit. I pushed on the thin handle bars and into the crisp air.

I rubbed the sides of my arms as I walked down the street searching for a place that served warm breakfast food. I looked down at my clothes and realized I was still wearing the same outfit as yesterday which reeked of alcohol.

My head pounded as my throat became more and more dry as I walked further. I stopped and leaned against the wall of a building and hid my eyes away from the sky.

I stood for a moment and tried taking deep breathes.

My hands slid across the bricks as I slowly walked down towards nowhere in particular. I hung my head as I walked along with the people.

The bricks abruptly changed to a red hard plastic material, I looked up at the sign that read.

'Clinton St. Baking Company & Restaurant'

I made my way towards the door and into the warmth. The inside was lit with very dim lights and I was thankful for that, I found my way to a table in the very back corner away from most of the people.

I waited for a minute until a short round lady walked towards me.

"Hi, my names Charlotte and I'm gonna be your server, can I start you off with a drink?" She asked while setting down a laminated menu.

Sillage [Joji Miller]Where stories live. Discover now