I tell them... (26)

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Your P.O.V.

My eyes flutter open and I look around my surroundings with my eyes, but I couldn't see anything. It's so dark. That's when I realize that I'm not lying on my bed, but instead on the hard cement ground.

I get up from the ground and try to adjust my eyes to the darkness, but that seems impossible. I stretch out my arms and try to feel anything. I walk forward and feel something that might be a wall. I feel across and find out that it is, indeed, a wall. So now I should try to find a light switch, if there is one. In the process, I try to remember what happened, that's when I hear a door open and look up and see the light, but then see a figure walking down the stairs .

Oh, right.

I feel my heart beat faster as I sink down onto the floor. I could run away right now, but my body just won't let me. Don't tell me that I'm paralyzed by fear.

I stare at the man that walks my way and wait for him to at least say something, I can't. As he gets closer, my heart starts to beat even faster, if that's even possible. The air gets tense as he squats down to my level and we start an intense eye contest, and of course I lose as I look down, away from him. He cups my chin and lifts my head up. We make eye contact again.

"Have a boyfriend? You're lucky that he's still alive." I furrow my eyebrows as he lets go of my chin.

"Who?" The blonde stares at me in disbelief.

"The one... with a coconut head, or the other one with long bangs, I dunno." I think for a moment and then realize that he's talking about Jungkook and Taehyung. I don't say anything and look back down at the ground.

"Enough about that. You want to know why I brought you down here?" I raise my head up and see a small smile playing on his lips, innocent. I look at his almost black eyes and see something that contrasts from his 'innocent' smile. I mindlessly back up and my back finds its way to the wall. Why can't I control my own body...

The male gets out of his squat position and walks towards me. He finds a seat on my left and stretches his legs out.

"Y/n... that's your name, right?" I blankly stare on the other side of the room.

"I'll take that as a yes... I'm Minseok, surely you've heard of my name before. Perhaps in a conversation between your parents?" I widen my eyes as he mentioned his name. His family... a prosperous one at that, wanted to take me... or at least that's what I think.

"So you have. I wanted to ask you, what happened to your brother? He keeps on disappearing." I wearily look at Minseok. Doesn't he already know?

"He's dead."

For a slight second, I saw a shocked expression on his face, but dissipates into knowing.

"That's too bad. I wanted to have a talk with him and figure out his secrets with his family. You obviously don't know anything. Baekhyun was practically a prodigy that could've been useful. Oh, well, now lets move on to sweet-"

"Do you not have a heart?" I said teary eyed, looking at the other direction.

"Actually, I don't. You want to know why your parents weren't home for the past few days?" Do I?

"Well, they wouldn't tell me where they were hiding Baekhyun, so they became useless. You want to guess what happened next?" I cautiously look up at Minseok and see a wide smile spread across his face.

"N-no... don't tell me that y-you..." My heart ached when I thought of the worst case scenario. I avoided looking at him.

"I let them take a break from this place, of course. They went to Hawaii." I look up in surprise and see him playing with his ring.

"They are?" Minseok nods his head as he continues to play with his ring.

"Another thing, I have an idea on who killed Baekhyun." Ok, this is weird, but I don't think I feel scared of him anymore. I could get up and run to the exit and escape, but I want to hear what he has to say. I nod my head, signalling him to continue.

"There's this guy I know that has a grudge against Baekhyun, he wants revenge for something, I don't really know why. So if a guy says that his name is Jackson, it's most likely him. You don't meet many Jackson's around here." Ok, I'll try to find someone by that name, but what are the chances? I barely go out.

I get up and casually walk to the stairs, it's not like he's going to stop me from doing that. Why? He doesn't hesitate to get up.

"One last thing," I look back at Minseok as I was already half way through the staircase.

Deep silence fills the room.

"I killed your parents."


"I'm just going to go now."


Can you complete the song lyrics from the title?

I honestly hate how I wrote this chapter too.

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