Carl Grimes Fluff 1

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Your pov.

It's a beautiful day at the prison and the new Woodbury people have arrived. Which include at least 20 new teenage girls prettier than me. And it really pisses me off because Carl keeps on checking them out and stuff. We arent dating or anything so its not like I have sometype of claim on him.

I've liked Carl ever since I met him on the farm way back when. I try to flirt here and there but he never flirts back. I guess it doesnt matter anyway. I dont want to ruin our friendship. Carl is my best friend I dont want to do anything ruin that.

Anyway it's time for dinner. So as I head into the cafetria I see Carl and some beautiful, blonde, skinny, talented, girl pushing and tickling each other. I dont know what happened to me but in that split second I felt a hot wave of rage come over me.

So I grabbed a big bowl of refried beans and a spoon. Then marched over to the table where Carl and the girl were sitting at and grabbed a big scoop of the beans the looked like poo and flung it into the girl's bra. Then went next to Carl and put a big scoop of beans all over his face. Then stormed off to see a speechless crowd of people. And Carl wiping off his face with his shirt while the girl took a napkin clean up the mess under the shirt.

I stormed off to mine and Carl's cell. Then jumped on to my bed. Moments later Maggie my sister came in.

"y/n what was that all about?" Maggie asked

" I dont know... jelousy" i shrugged

"Are you jealous of that girl that was with Carl?"

I shrugged again

"You have nothing to be jealous of girl. Carl is totally into you. Yesterday he ask dad if he could ask you out."

"Omg REALLY? What did dad say?"

"He said yes, but jealous or not it was not right what you did."

" I'll apologise in a bit"

After I said that, carl came into the cell. Once he did Maggie waved good bye and left.

" Carl look I'm really sorry, I---" i said

"No y/n dont be sorry. I should have told you who she is." Carl replied


"She's a cousin on my mom's side."

"Oh my god carl! Im so sorry!"

"No dont be. I should have told you before. And honestly y/n your the only girl I want or ever need."


"Y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" I screamed as I brought him into a hug

We pulled away for a moment to give each other a peck on the lips. Then hugged again.

During the hug I said, " I should probably go apologise to your cousin. That refried bean insident is not the best first impression."

"Nah she can wait." Carl said while pulling me into a tighter hug.

Hey you guys dont forget im taking requests. Ttyl. Much love


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