Chapter Two: Foundations

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Record Keeper's Note

Worlds aren't all that different from each other. Some are very tribal with little 'development'; some are very 'industrial', saturated in science; some have magic; some are aware of other worlds. In some worlds, people look like you and I. are worlds where people have wings, and tails, worlds where 'people' isn't limited to 'humans', and where can mix with people that are not humans. No matter the differences, each world always has two similarities: people, and language.

Since worlds were made, phasers have traversed between all planets –mixing people who were completely different, yet absolutely the same. The Great Languages used today were born from this, spreading to every planet they touched, understood anywhere. Forsythia mostly uses Common, but as Common itself has adopted many words and is not the only language spoken on Forsythia, I have provided occasional in-text translations along with details in the back.

One of the Great Languages is Cerain, the language of magic. Magic is not dependent on words, it is cast through the desires of the caster –vocal or not. Words clarify desires and instigate feelings, thus words have power. Any word can work if it evokes the desired image, but specific words are known to evoke an image. Everyone has felt it at one time or another, using or reading a word that describes an image perfectly; Cerain is the compilation of those distinct words.

Record Keeper of The Eternal Realms


Chapter Two: Foundations

Leaving Kiyā in the pond, Aly heads to the school's third floor. She enters the clubroom, looking for Jezabellah's feet hanging over the couch, but Jez isn't there. Taiyouko leans against the far wall with his arm above his head as he stares out the window, focused on Kiyā who should have gotten out of the pond by now. He hides the concern etched into his face before he turns to Aly; straightening, he leans back against the wall nonchalantly, his shirt has an excessive number of undone buttons and his tie is looser than ever. If the female staff had seen this, they would likely have been unable to resist themselves. A loose smile forms as he meets Aly's eyes. "Aly-chan, I'm the one you're supposed to be pushing into ponds," he teases, Aly's reactions consisting of one third of his life force.

With an indiscriminate glare of one used to his childish nonsense, Aly steps forward and takes the pitcher from Kiyā's desk. With a snap of her fingers and a flick of her wrist, she points a forefinger down in an obvious command. With a devious grin, Taiyouko obeys, kneeling before her... and she gives him drink. As she dumps the pitcher on him, a lock of hair hanging free from his short ponytail carries a stream of water into his mouth.

"Thanks for the drink, how did you know I was thirsty?" his lips twitch in a half smile.

"I could just tell you were dying for it," she replies, setting the pitcher to be refilled and walking away.

A soft smirk crosses Taiyouko's face. "Jez is on the roof," he comments, tidying his appearance to leave, which translates to mostly buttoning his soaking shirt, making him possibly even more appealing –but he won't run into anyone, in accordance to his desire.

Aly nods her head and exits the room. The layout of the third floor is quite different from the other two. A single hall runs the length of the back wall of the school, opening into several perpendicular short halls lined with rooms on both sides. If you're inside facing the front of the building, the Sannin clubroom is to the right, the last room on the right of the second to last hall.

Aly walks the length of the school to reach the stairs to the roof at the far end; Taiyouko does the opposite, walking past the last hall of classrooms to take the stairs down.

Legends of The Eternal Realms, The Legend of Forsythia, Book One: ForetoldWhere stories live. Discover now