Chapter 2: Yuiko?

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Hey guys! I am soooo happy I get to do this for you! Anyways, please vote, comment, and follow! Enjoy!

Soubi's P.O.V.

Dammit...I've really screwed up now...I wonder if it was something that I said...No. He is up to something. I can tell when he's hiding things. I just can't tell what.

Ritsuka's P.O.V.

I was a bit mean last night...I hope he's okay....NO! Ritsuka you idiot! He's just lying and playing you again! He ALWAYS does and you know it!

Yes I know....

I got ready for school and snuck downstairs before mother notices. On the way to school, I hear a chirpy voice calling for me. Yuiko.

 "Hey Ritsuka! Good morning!" The pink-haired girl says gailey.

 "Morning." I reply. "Hey, aren't you wearing your hair differently?"

 Yuiko blushes and nods. She stares at her feet and we kept silent the rest of the walk.

 Once we got to school, we head up to our classroom and sat down.

 "G-good morning class!" As Ms. Shinome says brightly before she stumbled down.

 The other girls and boys laughed while Yuiko was genually worried.

 "A-are you okay Ms. Shinome!?"

 "Y-yes. She says rubbing her behind as she stands up. Thank you Hawatari."

 Yuiko let out a satisfying sigh and sat back down. Our whole day was completely normal. I was quiet and Yuiko was loud and annoying. But it's okay. I've learned to deal with it gradually getting to know her more and more. She is......a friend.

 Then suddenly Soubi enters my mind.

 Shit. Soubi.....are we friends? Or I am just a toy for him? I don't want to be another person who gets put down like our apponents. I want to be with Soubi. I want to get stronger....

Yet....last night....I felt strange....Like...UGH! How do I explain it!?

"Ritsuka! Are you listening?" Yuiko yells into my ear.

"What are you doing?" I whisper sternly. I feel dizzy...

 "Ritsuka we're at the park now. Come on you sure have been thinking a lot lately huh?"


 "What about? Yuiko can help!"

 I stare at her and she corrects herself. "I mean, I can help."

 "Better. And none of your business."

 "But whyyyyy~ I wanna be here for you Ritsuka! I love y-" She was cut off.

 "Hey Ritsuka....." Soubi reveals himself and I stare at his tall figure.

 "S-Soubi!" I stutter. "I've been meaning to talk to you about.....ya' know.....last night..." That sounded so embarrasing.

 "What about it?" He acts like he's forgotten. He stares at the ground and says, "Ritsuka. I've told you before. I won't repeat myself...."

 Totally forgetting Yuiko, I interupt. "Soubi no. I know what you're going to say. But how can I believe you? I want you to prove it." I glared at him.

 Soubi sighed and cupped his hands around my face slowly rising it torwards his.

 Right before he nearly kissed me, Yuiko started sobbing. "Ritsuka........?" She whispered. "I love you...."

>:D MWAHAHAHAHA cliffhanger! I love writing dem. >w< Anyways, what did you guys think? I hoped that you enjoyed chapter 2! And also, I apologize that my chapters are so short. It's because I don't want a few long chapters. I want you guys to give me your thoughts and stuffs.

Anyways, bai~ And don't forget to vote, comment, and follow!

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