Chapter 3: I Love You!

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Hey I'm back! I love writing this so much that write after I posted chapter 2, I started typing up this one. XD lmao Anyways, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow me! Thankies!

Ritsuka's P.O.V.

"Ritsuka.......? I love you...." Yuiko says.

 What? She crying? And she loves me?

I move away from Soubi and she hugs me tightly. I refuse her embrace and she cries even louder.

"I'm sorry Yuiko...." I said. "I can't except your feelings....but we can still be friends right?"

 She lets go her sobs stopping. "B-but Ritsuka....I really love you....and I would do anything for you if all'd you do is ask...."

 "I'm sorry Yuiko..." She then just walked away. Not running or sprinting. Walking. Slowly in fact. Like she's just been hit by a huge moving truck and became a zombie. I feel bad.

 I think she found out too. The fact that I am indeed in love with Soubi. But I wonder how she did....

 "Ritsuka...." Soubi's way of saying my name was different. But I hated that name. It wasn't me. I am not Ritsuka. My name is in fact Ritsuka and that I cannot help. But I am not Ritsuka. But who ever said that that was a bad thing?

 "Ritsuka. Why don't you stay at my place tonight? You look like you could use the rest and your mother isn't going to help."

 Without realizing it, I nodded faintly and went with Soubi. His large warm hand grasped my own and I held back.

 Soubi.... I don't know what to think about you anymore. Only that I can never let you get away from me, and that I will never leave you. I love you, Soubi.

My thoughts were tiring and I slumped onto Soubi's large bed covered with the softest materials.

 It smells like Soubi....

"Ritsuka. I'll make dinner. What do you want? Tonight I'll let you choose instead."

My mind was swirling and I couldn't think. "I don't care. As long as it's soft." I said. Chewing food is such a pain.

After eating a full bowl of rice and curry, I got up and flumped onto the bed again, my body begging to go asleep.

"You should take a shower first. Then we'll sleep." Said Soubi washing the dishes. Man, I love people who pull up their sleeves and do dishes.

 "Fine." I groaned. Hopping into the shower, I wet my hair and washed myself from head to toe. After my shower I smelt myself. Now I really smell like Soubi. I chuckled at my thoughts. I got dressed and flopped onto Soubi's bed again.

 "Soubi?" I ask softly as he lay next to me in the comforting dark. "Yes?" He replied. "I-" I couldn't choke out the words 'I love you.' "I love you Soubi." I finally managed to say after many failed atempts.

 Soubi looked dumbstruct. I wasn't ever the type to act this way. But around Soubi, I felt as if I could do anything. Even confess to whom I find dearest. Then Soubi replied. "I love you too."

 Then he climbed on top of me and kissed me roughly.

 MWAHAHAHAHA I am soooooo evil. I can't wait for chapter 4 now. CX Anyways, I'm gonna write it and post it in two weeks or so. That way I'll get more reads first and people will be all like, "UPDATE!" O____O Sorry. I just love reading those comments.

I guess I'm bent that way. :P Whatever. And btw, I have never wrote an ACTUAL sex scene so wish me luck! >.o Bai~

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