The return of the 3 troublemakers

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mystogan pov
"grimoire heart your end is near surrender now or face the consequences" said mystogan "you think you can beat us hahaha don't make me laugh keep getting cocky and see were that leads you" said zancrow. lucy then screamed "im getting bored let's get this over with WATER DRAGON ROAR" shooting all of the members of grimoire heart except hades jellal then says to us in telepathy (A/N I WILL USE THIS [ ] WHEN THEY USE TELEPATHY) [guy i located the heart that make hades strong i just destroyed it so hit him but lucy you always go overboard so mystogan you fight him]. when i heard him say that i then scream "Five Layered Magic Circle" and hits hades knocking him out. We then tied up grimoire heart and wait for the magic council to come and get them .

Lucy poy
I say "man i can't believe it took 5 years just to get grimoire heart" then jellal say "be happy it took 5 year it was Supposed to be 8 years" then mystogan says "yea lucy i personally don't care at least we're done with it i just want to go and see what's new in the guild i heard we have a new one and that many people joined too". That is true i miss master,mira,laxus and the person that will always kick my ass erza, but not anymore;I'm not the weak girl i used to be. I can't wait to see them. I then say "yea i heard that to" with a big smile i then noticed jellal and mystogan turn red it must be really hot out here huh.

{Time skip they're in front of the guild hall door}

Mira pov
I was cleaning the cups as usually and i hear the door bang hard i then see 3 hood figures. Everyone starts whispering who are they. They come up to me and the one in the middle then said  while putting there hood down "hi mira it's been a long time huh" and i then realized it was lucy and i can already guess who were the ones under the other hoods i then tear up a little and say "oh lucy mystogan and jellal how much i missed yall" jellal the askes "do you know were the old man is at" i say "his in his office" they then get ready to head to master office i then stop them and say "when ya'll finish talking to master come sit down and catch up okay" then they all responded with "will do" they then leave to master office.

Master makarov pov
I heard a knock at the door i then say "come in my children" then when I saw who it was i couldn't believe my eyes it was my three musketiers, my three troublemakers you get my point. lucy then says "hi master long time no see" and jellal and mystogan say together "hi master we missed you" they still saying the same words together as always. i then ask "what took ya'll three troublemakers so long" lucy then says "you know it not that easy tracking down and taking down a dark guild" mystogan the says "yea old man do you thinks it's easy as eating a cake" jeall then says "sorry for coming late but we are here now" i then say "let's go introduce ya'll to everyone" they then head outside.

Nastu pov
Me and my team were sitting on our spot strategizing a plan for our next mission I then see gramps come with three people on his back i see two boys on the side and a girl with long beautiful blonde hair my heart starts skipping really fast . Gramps then says "can i have everyone attention" everyone and me starts looking at him with a curious faces he then continues and says "this three are ya'll guild mates there names are Jellal Fernandes, mystogan Fernandes and last but not lest Lucy Heartfilia some of yall may not know them because the have been gone for about 5 years because of the s-class quests so please be nice and don't go picking any fights with them or ya'll will regret it, either way that will be all ya'll can continue with what ya'll were doing" and with that i went up to them and said "hi my name Natsu Dragneel and i challenge all of ya'll to a fight" they all have a sweat drop on there face.

Jellal pov
This boy came up to us and said "hi my name Natsu Dragneel and i challenge all of ya'll to a fight" we all sweat drop is he trying to get himslef killed mystogan and lucy both say "we accept you challenge" then gramps said "hey yall troublemakers take it outside i don't want anything to break do you hear me"  they say "okay gramps" both mystogan and lucy go following natsu outside lucy then says to us "can i please fight him on my own" with puppy eyes we both blush and say at the same time "knock yourself out" lucy then say with a big smile "thanks you guys" we blush even more my heart starts beating fast i know lucy asked with a smile in her face but i feel bad for nastu he is going to regret challenging us because out of us three lucy was the strongest she could beat me and mystogan at the same time. I the scream to natsu "GOOD LUCK NATSU YOUR GOING TO NEED IT" he then looks at me with a confused face.

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