!Finding the crazy man!

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A couple of hrs later
Lucy pov
Once the train stopped at the destination we were heading to, we get out of the train, this place looked nice and peaceful it's hard to believe that there's a cereal killer in it. Erza then says "so this is were such man is killing women huh?" I then say "yup this is the place" then carla says "it's always the nice looking places that have the most crazy people" then wendys says "carla don't be rude not all places have bad people" "honey I said crazy not bad people" says carla jellal then says "alright enough chitchat time to search and ask people around to see whether this man is here or not" we all say "yes chief" in a mocking tone he then says "stop playing I'm serious if this man is really here then all you ladies are in danger" I then say "chill bro we got this let's just get a hotel and then look for clues okay" he then says "alright let's go then".
Mystogan pov
We head to the nearest hotel and get the rooms one for the girls and one for the men I then say "we got the room now it's time to scattered and asks people around" they all agreed I then ask lucy "hey lucy want to go ask with me" I then see jellal glaring at me but why should I care if he is as long as I get some alone time with lucy I don't care about anything else she then says "okay" with a really beautiful smile I then say "gre- until I get interrupted by Lucy "let's also bring jellal" with her beautiful smiles again I couldn't say no. Then natsu says "hey that's not fair what if yall find him and get him before us and take the reward away" erza then says "he's got a point" then the rest of them say "yup we agree to" wendy then says "I have a idea".
Wendy pov
Everyone was getting worked up on whether those three will give us some of the jewels so I then say "I have an idea" they all look at me and say "ohhh really then what is it" I then get a sweat drop on my face when they were getting really close to me so then I say "wait here for a little bit " I then look around and see some wood sticks I then go towards them and then pick them up and give everyone a stick and they then asked "what are this for" I  say "ok here how it goes this sticks have a different size, two of them are the same all you have to do is find you matching buddy and your good to go" and with that everyone went to find their buddy nastu got jellal and grey got mystogan and I got erza happy got carla and lucy was by herself. Jellal then says "hey Lucy's all alone why don't you join our group" lucy then said "no that's okay we did this and we got who we got I'm ok being alone after all I'm more powerful the you and mystogan combined together" with grin. He then says with a disappointing face "okay suit yourself" erza and jellal then say together "ok guys let's go look for that crazy bastard" they both look at each other and blush. Me and erza then head to the village and asks many people, they knew right away but they didn't know the mans whereabouts. We then continued asking people around.
Nastu pov
Everything was so awkward with this guy it was so quiet the whole time I tried making a  conversations but it didn't work. Well this is my chance to ask whether lucy has a boyfriend "so jellal you knew lucy your whole life" he then finally responders with "yes practically sence we were babies why do you ask" I then say "well because I was wondering if lucy had a boyfriend I mean your like her brother so no better person to asks then you I guess" with that jellal said with a pissed tone "well look here I'm not like her brother we are like really good friends I might even be her boyfriend if I wanted to but I want her as a friend;and no she doesn't have a boyfriend" I then see he was blushing I see you like her too you, blue hair guy will this is good competition. I love winning and I'm going to win her heart. I then say "damn you don't need to take it to serious I was just asking it's not like I like her" with a lying tone.
Meanwhile with lucy (3rd pov)
Lucy sneezes "aaaaachooo" rubs her nose "is someone talking shit" she then says in a mocking tone "who ever is talking shit I'll find you and I'll kick your ass if it's the last thing I do" everyone looks at lucy like if she was crazy but she didn't care.while Lucy was busy cursing whoever was talking shit about her.she had caught someone interests who might it be who knows read and find out on the nexts chapter of Insensible!!!

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