The s class quest

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3rd pov
Once lucy and the twins arrived at there house,they got there house and themselves cleaned after that they all head to bed.
Mystogan pov
I woke up to the smell of fresh pancakes so I head to the dining room as I do I noticed lucy making pancakes she says "look who's up, sleepy head" I laugh and say "me ha ha" jellal then says "good morning guys" I then say with a annoyed tone "good morning bro, thanks for not waking me up" he then says "your welcome bro" with a smirk on his face. lucy then interrupts us by saying "okay you two put a sock on it,it's time to eat, so you better eat it all" with a beautiful smile I couldn't help but blush so did jellal.
Lucy pov
I noticed their faces were red, so I asked them "are you guys sick, let me feel you're forehead for a fever" I was going to reach for jellal head when they both shouted "its all good we're fine it just random allergies no biggy" with that I was convinced so I let it go.I then tell them "guys once we finish let's go to the guild and look for a quest in the board,  I don't what today to be boring" they both agreed. we then head to the guild and look at the requests. I look for the most dangerous one and pick the one that says (HELP THERE'S A CRAZY MAN KILLING GIRLS, PLEASE  HELP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE 800,000,000 JEWEL) it seems like it's going be fun and it going to take some time to catch and  the jewel price is good. We ask mirajane for permission to take the quest she then gives us the paper. we then go sit to a table. I got hungry so I order a strawberry milkshake, mystogan and jellal ended up ordering drinks too. We  talked about the jewels we were going to get from the mission and what we're  going to do with it, then all of a sudden team natsu comes out of nowhere. Nastu then says"you guys are  going to a quest, sweet mind if we tag along, I do need money for food" I was going reject them but jellal bet me to it "no can do it's an S class quest" gray then says "we got erza, if there's more than one S class wizard regular wizard can join" we then discuss this in telepathy [what do you guys think we should do, let them join or not] mystogan said jellal then says [let see how they do the first time, if they do bad we'll never let them join us again, if they do well then they can join but only for time to time you got that] me and mystogan agree with jellal and told them about them mission "okay we'll split the jewels 50/50 alright" natsu then says "it's settled then, I have a fire in my belly" with a toothy grin.
Erza pov
We agreed on the mission with jellal's team, we also planned to go tomorrow. The sooner the better, They might even consider giving us a bonus so says lucy. After we said our goodbyes we went our separate ways, I went to my apartment and ate a strawberry cake then I went sleep. When I woke up I got ready and went to the train station. We agreed to meet up there I had all my luggage ready for the trip when I got there lucy,jellal,mystogan,wendy,carla and gray were already there but like always nastu and happy are always late I was surprised that grey was early today his always late I then walked up to them and say "good morning ladies and gentlemen" they all respond with "good morning erza" mystogan then says "the trian is almost here, were on earth is natsu" wendy says "don't worry his always late he'll be here" I then go up to gray and asks "why are you here so early it's not like you to be early" gray then says "hey a little respect please, I may be lazy but I care about our missions you know"
Gray pov
Once my conversation with erza ended I went up lucy to talk with her, Ima be honest she's the reason why I'm here early. I don't know what it is about her but my heart seems to beats alot, once I know her better i"ll see what it is that  fell. When I got to lucy I asked "do you always go on mission this early" she was going to say something but fucking flame brain just had to show up. He then screamed "HEY GUYS ARE Y'ALL READY TO KICK SOME ASS" everyone turned around to natsu. Mystogan then yelled "natsu the next time you want to team up make sure to come early if not, there won't be a next time" everyone gave natsu an annoyed face he then said "alright alright let's hurry and get in the train" with a sick face I then noticed lucy also had a sick face. Gray you dumbass of course she has a sick face, she is a dragon slayer after all. We all take our seat. When got everyone seated the train started move, lucy then   screams to jellal "pass me the damn pill jellal" I was confused at first but then I saw jellal pass a pill to her I was really curious of what it was so I asked "what's that" then the rest of the team said "yea we're all curious" I noticed that lucy got better she says "this is a magic pill it takes away my motion sickness" we all say "ohhhhh" then natsu's askes "can you give me some and tell me were you get them from" jellal then passes some to natsu and says "you only take one a day I gave you more for other days it works for 24 hour, you buy them in magic drug stores." natsu then says "thanks man I own you one" after that he got better and stopped complaining, everyone had there own little conversation while we wait to get there.

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