Bio 2

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Jack Noir's teammates:
-David Arquero (Arquero in spanish means Archer)

Hes a Kamen Rider DukeClothes: exactly like the pictureHobby:Doing Research, Hang Out with his teammates, Archery

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Hes a Kamen Rider Duke
Clothes: exactly like the picture
Hobby:Doing Research, Hang Out with his teammates, Archery.

Items: Lemon Lockseed, Lemon Energy Lockseed, Dragon Fruits Energy Lockseed.

Belt: Sengoku Driver and Genesis Driver

Weapons: Lemon Rapier and Sonic Arrow

Semblance: Multiply Scrambler, gives David an ability to multiply himself to confuse the enemies

Background: abused by his familly everyday, bullied everyday, everyone calls him stupid and idiotic. He cant take it anymore and he decided to run away but his family try to bring him back with force. After running away he stumble upon a and old building that will change his life

(p.s. his hair and his eye colors will turn into red if he use dragon fruits energy lockseed)

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