Plan for The Epic Comeback 2

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3rd Person's POV

Jack: Jouketsu!
David: Henshin!
Shindo: Henshin!
Diane: Jouketsu!

They began activate their signature weapons as the mist, an lemon armor, a roullette character select began to gear them up.

Mistmatch! Bat! B-Bat! Fire!

Come On! Lemon Arms, Incredible Ryoma!

Lets Game! Meccha Game! Muccha Game! What's Your Name ? I'm a Kamen Rider!

Mistmatch! C-Cobra! Cobra! Fire!

After the transformation we can see the the fireworks been launched create an explosion, while everybody in the classroom were shocked that their jaws could destroy their tables including russel, lark, and dove except Cardin he began to laugh at Shindo who still in his Level 1 form.

(P.S. just imagine Cardin is laughing "look at this dude")

While cardin is laughing so hard it hurts his stomach, inside the helmet of team JDSD their face looks like this 😐 while David is looking at his watch for how long Cardin is going to laugh and lying on the floor.

Shindo: "You done yet ?" said shindo and Cardin began to stand up

Cardin: "yep i am now where was i ?"
said Cardin and Shindo began to jump  and kick his face as the battle begin.

(P.S. play this music as the background fighting music if you hate Cardin)

We can see Jack began to dodge Cardin's mace, David began to fight Lark like Zorro, while Shindo in his Level 1 form were kicking Russel's head like Mario, and dont forget Diane is fighting Dove with her Steam Blade while she is dancing.

The fight is still on fire as our 4 main characters here began their tag team battle, as Jack and David began to dragon kick Cardin and Lark at the same time continuing their combo attack by adding rapid punch and musketeer fighting techniques while Shindo and Diane began to dance fighting as Shindo began to use his back as a platform for Diane to jump and kick Russel's "nuts" which left Cardin, Lark, and Dove only.

David: "Is that all you got ? i expect the battle will be satisfying for us and yet you are playing like a childrens with dangerous weapons" said David while mocking Cardin which makes him angrier

Cardin: " SHUT UP!!!!! you think i care !? why are the son of arquero family joining with a losers huh ?" smirk Cardin as Jack kick Cardin's chin

Jack: "keep talking like that to my teammates again and i swear you will never see the daylight again where i can put you into an eternal sleep" said Jack as his voice become demonic that could scare all grimms as he began to rotate the valve wheels at the blade.

Elek Steam!

And the blade begin to electrocute Cardin while David begin to cut the fruit lock to activate the attack to finish Lark off.

Lemon Squash!

The Holographic attack began to made an impact to Lark and it send him flying to the wall and Cardin is knockout by the electricity that came from the blade used by Jack. And lastly for Dove he is punched by Shindo so hard that Dove's teeth is flying out of his mouth (hope he got a quarter from tooth fairies)

[Music Ends]

Diane's POV

The fight is finished, phew that was a best fight i ever had. When we about to go those girls that betray Jack came to Jack with a guilt face

Diane: " what do you want ?" said me with a venom on it as the blonde girl began to apologize.

Jack: "well well well if it isnt, Yang the hot tempered issue woman. Look if you are looking for "apologies", DONT!!" said Jack with an anger while Yang try to grab his arms i began to hiss at her.

Diane: "If you touch him i swear you will know the world of pain" with a venomous tone with it.

Weiss: "Jack please i-"

Jack: "SHUT.THE.HELL.UP!!! you all cheated on me and what are you all expect form me huh !? apologies !?, if you think im gonna forgive all of you then you are dead wrong!" said Jack with an anger and dissapointment

Jack: "cmon lets just go back to the dorms" said Jack as we begin to follow him and going back to the dorms leaving the girls that cheated on him crying.

(Time Skip)

3rd Person's POV

Today is night as the team JDSD is at their dorms reading books, listening to musics, lying down at the bed, doing nothing, and of course they are planning what to do next for tommorow and all of them are head to the bed.

While our 4 main characters is sleeping, and we can see that Diane is dreaming of hugging puppies and kitties which she didnt know that she is hugging Shindo who is dreaming of trying to release himself from somekind of snake lady who hug him and while Diane is dreaming of puppies and kitties, she snuggle her face to the puppies and kitties while smiling while Shindo is being hugged and kissed by the snake lady. 😈...oh and Jack and David eyes are still open and twitching while cover their ears with pillow.


3rd Person's POV

We can see a mysterious silver armored warrior that has a black shaped X visor wearing somekind of silver gentlemen hat and his suit is like a gentlemen but with silver armor around him and there is a silver emblem that has a "V" alphabet written on it, he is fighting against the White Fang grunts with a gun that has silver and gold trains and he began knockout the White Fang members as he began to smile and walking away while saying...."adieu~"

Alright the second part of "Plan for The Epic Comeback" is done, well my fellow darkness armies can you guess who is this mysterious silver warrior ? i will give you all a hint

HINT: he's a police and a phantom thief as well, he's using a gun device called "X-Changer" that allowed him to transform into "LupinRanger Mode" or "PatRanger Mode". Can you all guess who he is ? if you know then comment me.

Oh and its looks like Shindo here is being hugged by Diane who is dreaming of hugging puppies and kitties but what she didnt know she is also hugging Shindo 😈

This is zombienitroz signing out! Ciao!

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